Chapter 1: Apartment hunt

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Now in his last year at university Tsukishima is to look for his own apartment. He could just ask his boyfriend if he could stay at his place which his boyfriend had implied a numerous times but Tsukishima wouldn't ever except. He wanted a little place of his own. Plus the thought of being tied down really didn't sound good to him.

Sighing Tsukishima flips through another page in the newspaper looking for available apartments near his university. He has only a week before his university re opens and he cursed himself for waiting for the very last minute.

Well it was his fault in a way for having that argument with Yamaguchi his pervious roommate and best friend. Tsukishima couldn't help the fact that Yachi would be staying over almost every weekend and he'd have to bare listening to the most unholy sounds at the oddest of times of night.

Once he even accidentally walked in to his apartment to see them doing it on the dinning table and that really didn't help Tsukishima eating habits. He basically stopped eating at the dining table for good after that day no matter how much Yamaguchi said he cleaned it. Well he wasn't going to eat on a table where his best friends dick at touched no matter how close they were that was just no no.

"Come on we're gonna be late Tsukki!" Yamaguchi exclaimed from the kitchen grabbing a apple.

"I said I'm not coming." Tsukishima replied dryly.

"Come on it's been forever since we met Hinata!" Yamaguchi exclaimed once again.

"I'd rather meet Kageyama I stared of that carrot top." Tsukishima replied clicking his tongue as his finger cut from flipping a share page.

"When Kageyama visited you said the opposite." Yamaguchi tilted his head.

"Look I'd rather not meet them period." Tsukishima said getting up from the sofa and walking to his room.

"Fine." Yamaguchi threw his hands up in the air in defeat.

"So are you going apartment hunting today?" Yamaguchi asked as Tsukishima left the living room.

"I'll take that as a yes." Yamaguchi called out.

Within a minute Tsukishima was out with this brown messenger bag hanging cross his chest. As he made his way to the door to put of his shoes his phone rung. Before Tsukishima could go grab the phone from the coffee table Yamaguchi grabbed it.

"Oooo it's mister 'hottest man alive' calling." Yamaguchi chuckled.

"I did not name his that." Tsukishima aid in defense. "He saved it as that when we exchanged numbers." Tsukishima explained grabbing the phone from Yamaguchi's hand.

"Bro that's been over a year." Yamaguchi said gawking.

"Hello," Tsukishima answered the call.

"Hey babe," Mrister hottest man alive replied. "Are we still up for apartment hunting today?"

"Yes, I was just on my way out to the complex."

"Okay I'll see you there."

Reaching the apartment complex Tsukishima called his boyfriend. The phone kept ringing but no answer. Tsukishima told himself he's probably driving. So he decided to go in on his own.

Entering the apartment complex he saw how huge it was. The first thing his eyes traveled to was the cafe on the right corner with a sign saying 'hiring' Tsukishima was in need of a job to pay off his tuition loan. Plus having a hard lace to work this close to his apartment was perfect.

Well not his apartment yet but he plans to get this one cause it's way more affordable than all the others compared to the location part it's a bit far off from his Univeristy but otherwise it's pretty neat to get a apartment at the rate he's getting in such a elaborate complex.

Sighing he checks his watch it's almost time for his appointment with the consultant. So he texted his 'Mister hottest man alive' that he's going in. He immediately gets a message back saying he's almost there and he should go on he'll meet him up at the apartment. So Tsukishima texted him the apartment number and heading towards the elevator.

Reaching the floor number 11 Tsukishima texted the consultant who replied immediately with the passcode of the apartment and that he should go on in she'll be there in a minute as she has to get the paper work from the desk downstairs.

Reaching apartment number 110 Tsukishima punched in the six digit code and the door clicked open. Entering the apartment a strong scent of mint and bark his his nostrils making them tingle. As he looked around he saw the apartment was still furnished and seemed like there was already someone living there.

"Tsukki?" A familiar voice called out as Tsukishima's eyes went to a man standing in front of him in just a pair of jeans with a towel around his neck.



So guys I had been thinking of writing another Fanfic for a while now and have been kinda holding myself back from doing so...but oh well this is my new book called "Kuriosity"

It's a Kuroo x Tsukki fanfic

Hopefully you guys will enjoy as much as you liked 'Just Friends (Iwaoi)'

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