Chapter 18: Coach

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Kuroo alarm ringing woke him up. Yawing he opened his eyes to notice he's still in the living room. Sitting up he realized he'd fallen asleep on the couch. Stretching he got up and headed to the bathroom for a quick shower.

After getting dressed he noticed Tsukishima'a bedroom door was still closed. Maybe he came in and Kuroo didn't notice due to being dead asleep. Kuroo had a thing that when he sleeps he can sleep though gun fire. That's how deep his sleep is.

Walking up to Tsukishima's room he kicked thrice. No reply. He knocked open more before slightly opening the door. Opening the door he saw an empty bed.

Maybe he has an early class?

Kuroo asked himself.

Just as Kuroo was about to leave the door opened revealing Tsukishima dressed in the same clothes as last night just crumpled.

The stayed out the whole night.

Kuroo just walked past Tsukishima out the door without saying a word. Kuroo was pissed. And he didn't know why.

Reaching the gym Kuroo started the practice. All the boy were there except foe Yuji. He was the wing spiker and a very arrogant one which Kuroo had been having trouble keeping hold off. He constantly fought with the setter Tei.

Practice was about to end when Yuji came up to show his face. Kuroo was helping out the Spikers by showing him how he spikes and his spikes very harsher than usual today probably due to his built up anger for some reason.

"Coach," one of the players called out from behind him. "Yuji is here."

Turning around Kuroo saw Yuji chit chatting with two other players and he stomped his way to where they stood.

"Yuji Kou" Kuroo called out from behind him startling Yuji.

"Yes, Coach." Yuji turned around to face Kuroo.

"Where were you?" Kuroo asked.

"Detention." Yuji answered.

"Again." Kuroo sighed. This boy was quite a handful for all the teachers.

"Come on," Kuroo said walking towards the net. "We've got the gym for just a few more minutes I wanna see your spikes."

"Coach ya know no one can black my spikes." Yuji said in a over confident tone.

"We'll see about that." Kuroo did his iconic smirk.

"You there," Kuroo pointed another player "Will block with me."

"Wait, what?" Yuji exclaimed.

"You heard me Yuji." Kuroo said as he took off his jacket abs handed it to one of the mangers.

"Come on we do my have all day."

"Damn Coach," Yuji said breathless. Out of ten spikes only two made through Kuroo's blocks. "That's unfair ya know." Yuji said wiping thesweat off his forehead.

"Well," Kuroo said clicking his tongue. "You'll find blockers like me too in the inter high matches."

Afterwords Kuroo went home to find no Tsukishima. Sighing he kept this shoulder bag on the couch and sprawled himself on it. He shut his eyes and before he knew it was dead asleep.

Around six o'clock his eyes opened due to hearing a door shut behind him. It was Tsukishima's bedroom door.


Suggest me some Japanese names pleaseeeee

(I legit used Yuji from Juju 😂)

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