Chapter 29: Apology

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No a single ounce of sleep came to Tsukishima that night. All he could think about was what he'd done. He could've believe it he'd kissed Kuroo and he'd kissed him back!

He was in a relationship, not the best be he still was in one and so was Kuroo...

So why did he kiss me back? He has a girlfriend...

Tsukishima thought to himself. The kiss wasn't soft yet hungry. Like Kuroo had eagerly been waiting for it to happen but so was it from Tsukishima's side.

Shut up!

Slapping his cheeks he sat up on his bed. Tsukishima grabbed his phone of his bedside table and checked the time. It was 9am and the sun was out, few sneaky sun rays came in the room through the cracks of the blinds.

His lips were so Tsukishima!

Sighing Tsukishima got out of bed and went to his study table and opened his course books. He had to get his mind off the topic.

Might as well study.

After what felt like hours Tsukishima gave up his mind couldn't shut up about the kiss. He couldn't believe he'd actually kissed Kuroo.

Sighing Tsukishima threw this head back sitting on the rotating seat. He seriously needs to apologize to Kuroo for what he did. Cause for all he knew Kuroo could've just been sleep kissing?

"Ughhh I hate this!" Tsukishima let out in frustration.

Just then heard voices coming from outside his room. It was that women's voice she was laughing. Tsukishima prayed that she didn't see what had happened last night and was kind of relieved. Then he heard Kuroo laugh and it made something stir in Tsukishima's stomach.


Why am I feeling this way? I shouldn't feel this way!

Tsukishima told himself. He slapped his cheeks again.

I have to get out of this room.

Going to his cabinet Tsukishima pulled out a pair of jeans and a dark green shirt. Tsukishima changed out of his nightwear. He carefully walked towards the room door.

Taking a deep breath he pressed down the handle and opened the door slowly. Taking two steps he came out into the living room and his eyes inattentionionally went towards the kitchen where that women stood in the same attire as last night and Kuroo stood next to the stove holding a spatula.

Kuroo's eyes moved towards Tsukishima's direction and their eyes met for a millisecond before Tsukishima looked away. The women noticed Tsukishima's presence and turned around to face Tsukishima.

"Oh hi there!" She exclaimed cheerfully. "We're making eggs would you-"

"I've gotta go." Tsukishima said as he speed walked towards the front door.

Reaching the front door Tsukishima swung the door open and slammed it shut just as fast.

Before Tsukishima knew it he was on a bus and had reached that familiar park where he found his favorite spot to sit at. Taking a seat on the bench Tsukishima let out a loud sigh he didn't know he'd been holding.

What was I thinking??

Tsukishima asked himself. As much as Tsukishima didn't want to admit to the fact he might've developed feeling for Kuroo he couldn't.

How could I possibly develop feelings for him? And that too so fast...

Sighing once more Tsukishima looked up at the tree above his head he saw two bride putting together so sticks. Probably to make a nest. Tsukishima spent the next god knew how long watching the birds come back and forth bringing in small sticks and a pieces of straw, putting them together I make an oval like shape.

Eventually Tsukishima'a mind wondered off to Kuroo once more. This time it was different he thought of the training camp days when he'd developed a small crush on Kuroo. He'd always questioned his sexuality as he'd never actually been attracted to any girls. Even though they would approach him he'd always ended up being the 'sarcastic meani ' as Yamaguchi called him.

It wasn't like Tsukishima wanted to sound like that he just came off like that especially when this one girl form the third year cornered him in after school and tried to kiss him. And when her hand went to his crotch and stroked it it was limp as a boiled noodle.

That was the last strike before he realized he was not into girls. But he'd never actually slept with anyone until that incident that had taken place that night. The one he always kept in the far back of his mind.

He remembered the time when he'd started to have a liking towards Kuroo in his first year at the training camp and he thought of it as a student and teacher appreciation thing nothing like that. But then he'd met him at their reunion after he'd graduated from high school with Daichi, Sugawara, Tanaka and the others at a friendly re match at the school gym.

That's when Tsukishima realized he'd developed something more than just a appreciation towards Kuroo. He'd already just discovered that he way probably gay and then realizing that the one person he'd been attracted to which he believed was nothing more than some ' appreciation ' turned out to be an actual crush.

Tsukishima won't deny he'd done it a few times with Kuroo accidentally popping up in his brain. But he knew it wasn't possible because firstly he was a senior who'd never had looked at him anything more than a student and secondly he'd been surrounded by girls as Lev and told him.

There had been not a single straw of hope that's Kuroo could be gay and above all even have liked Tsukishima but not until his first year at university when he'd woken up to pain in his lower back with Kuroo's arm draped on his waist.

For a brief moment Tsukishima was struck with happiness but then he'd realized this all was a blur and his first time had been something that had happened while he'd been drunk and most probably so had Kuroo been.

So it meant it was all but a mistake for Kuroo and he'd forget all about it and it made Tsukishima not sad but angry at himself and at Kuroo he'd remember later on he'd told kuroo he'd liked him in his drunken state but he didn't recall if Kuroo even said anything back besides jump on him.

Then when he was fully sure of the fact he was ' gay gay ' Tsukishima had found Suwa and they'd started dating. Which he didn't think was a mistake he'd actually fallen in love with Suwa before he'd started to abuse him and take advantage of him.

Sighing Tsukishima looked up at the sky to see it change color from blue to a slight shade of lavander mixing mixing with the light blue sky.

How long have I been out here?

Tsukishima asked himself before checking his watch it's 5pm.


Cursing Tsukishima got up and rushed to the bus station he's gotta get back as his work shift is to start soon.


So Tsukishima did have a crush on Kuroo...

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