Chapter 9: Skip a beat

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"I hope I'm not distributing you guys." Tsukishima held up his hands as he made his way to his bedroom.

"It's alright we were just getting done here." Kuroo said looking the women in the eyes.

"Oh no we aren't Tetsu." The women said Kuroo grabbed her by the arm and took her inside his room before slamming the door shut.

She called Kuroo-San by his first name...they must be close...

Tsukishima thought it himself as he unpacked his bagpack. Tsukishima changed into a pair sweats and a full sleeve shirt. He felt chilly in the apartment compared to the outside.

Around 7pm Tsukishima heard a knock on his door. He called out coming before getting off his bed and lazily opening his bedroom door.

Kuroo stood in the same pair of jeans and shirt he'd seen him earlier in and felt weird. Why hasn't he changed out of his clothes? He's been joke for the past few hours...or did he go out? I didn't hear the front door- what am
I thinking? This isn't any of my business. Tsukishima told himself.

"Wanted to ask what you want for dinner cause I'm making-"

"No I'm good." Tsukishima cut Kuroo off.

"I wanted to also ask what did you have for breakfast? Cause the fridge looks the same as it was when I left in the morning..."

"I grabbed something on my way to Uni." Tsukishima replied making Kuroo tilt his head.

" the way feel free to stock up the fridge with whichever items you like." Kuroo smiled.


"Yeah, thanks." Tsukishima said before telling Kuroo he's busy and shutting the door.

Why did my heart beat like that?

Probably because it's been a while since I've seen him smile...

Shaking the thought away Tsukishima tried to focus on the work he had at hand. That was drafting a message to Suwa telling him he can't come this Saturday to the club.

"Hey Suwa!" Tsukishima texted Suwa. He almost immediately replied.

"Yes Tsukishima." Suwa always called Tsukishima by his full name he believed the short form distorted his name.

"I wanted to let you know I won't be able to come this Saturday..." Tsukishima took a deep breath before sending it in.


"I need to go back home due to Akiteru." Tsukishima replied.

"I'm sure he can take care of himself."

"I'm sorry I need to go check up on him." Tsukishima bit his lip as he sent the text hoping Suwa would let him off this Saturday.

"I'll excuse you for this Saturday..."

Tsukishima felt relieved.

"Thank you Suwa! I love-"

Do I still love him?

Tsukishima asked himself before texting thank you to Suwa.

Tsukishima woke up due to a thud noise that came from the living room. Getting up he opened his door to check. It was kuroo sitting on the couch with two big files and a few papers scattered.

"Everything alright?" Tsukishima asked walking in to the room.

"Oh sorry did I wake you?" Kuroo asked turning to face Tsukishima.

"Yes." Tsukishima bluntly said rubbing his eyes.

"Sorry about that I didn't know the files would make such a loud noise if I dropped them on the table." Kuroo chuckled nervously.

Tsukishima just walked over to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. When he noticed Kuroo the as in the same clothes was he'd seen him a few hours ago.

"Why haven't you changed?" Tsukishima blurted out.

"I went out for a bit and just got back."

"Don't you have to get up early tomorrow."

"Yeah but I need to go over some stuff for the team." Kuroo replied as he flipped through a file.

Walking over towards kuroo he saw the file had hand writings and positions marked. It looked like he was going over some other teams info.

Kuroo noticed Tsukishima peeping from above him and said. "We've got a friendly match coming up...and I need to look at some possible rotations and strategies." Kuroo explained.

"Oh.." Tsukishima let out as he tuned to walk towards he's bedroom.

"Tsukki," Tsukishima turned his head halting. "Good night." Kuroo smiled once again making his heart thump faster in his chest.

"Yeah good night."

Seems like someone's catching feelings.

Andddd two updates in one day!!

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