Chapter 35: What's this?

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Standing outside the club Tsukishima took a deep breath he didn't know he was holding in. Sighing he greeted the bouncer and entered the club.

He took the familiar route up the stairs in the back as he got closer to the private rooms his heart beated faster and faster.

Reaching the third room on his left he knocked twice before it flung open revealing Suwa. Suwa wore a black button down with khaki pants and loffers.

"You're late." Suwa stated in a stern voice.

"I was out with Yamaguchi and-"

"Whatever, now I've got some friends coming over and I'd appreciate if you could entertain them."

Yeah, right..

Tsukishima thought to himself. He knew it wasn't a request and more of a order to Tsukishima.


"Now I've got some clothes bathroom for you to change in to." Suwa said as he went and sat on one of the couches.

"Um..sure..." Tsukishima knew it must be something revealing to give his friends something to look at.

Going into the bathroom Tsukishima saw a pair of leather skinny jeans and a ripped up shirt that seemed basically like just a piece of cloth on Tsukishima's body barely covering his chest and stomach.

As Tsukishima started to pull on the leather skinny jeans he noticed that they were a size too small for Tsukishima. Not in length wise but stretch wise. Pulling the jeans on he felt he could barely move. Plus the jeans were so tight you could see his bulge and they barely went up his v-line exposing this lower waist.

Sounds started coming from the room. Seemed like Suwa's friends had come. Taking a deep breath Tsukishima awkwardly walked out the room to see Suwa sitting with two other men.

One was blond wearing casual attire whereas the other was dressed very formally and had salt and pepper hair. Then he noticed a white coat hanging on the coat rack along with a styliesscope.

So the older one is a doctor...

Tsukishima said to himself.

"Tsukishima," Suwa said as he noticed Tsukishima exit the bathroom. "Come here." Suwa called Tsukishima.

Tsukishima slowly walking towards Suwa and the other men. Suwa introduced Tsukishima to the two men as James and Hagimaro. James was the younger one in the casual attire and Hagimaro was the salt and peppered hair one.

"Nice to meet you." Tsukishima gave them a fake smile.

"Pleasure to meet you as well." James said. "We've heard a lot about you from Suwa..." James continued giving Tsukishima a sly smile.

"Please sit here." Hagimaro offered Tsukishima a seat next to him on the couch.

Tsukishima gave an awkward smile and walked over to seat next to Hagimaro.

" old are you?" Hagimaro asked as he slide his hand over Tsukishima's knee.

"Old enough." Suwa smiled answering for Tsukishima.

"Hmm.." James said as he sipped his drink. "Interesting, though he looks pretty young." James continued.

"Anyways," Hagimaro said. "What're your interests." Hagimaro asked turning to face Tsukishima as his hand slide above his knee to his thigh.

"Um," Tsukishima said trying to think but he knew exactly what to say as Suwa had him learn by heart.

"This," Tsukishima said as he climbed on to Hagimaro's lap and straddled him giving a show for the other two men in the room.

Tsukishima started kissing Hagimaro neck and as he did he made small circular movements on Hagimaro's lap making Hagimaro hard.

Hagimaro grabbed on to Tsukishima's shirts hem and pulled it aside to reveal this bright red hickey.

"What's this is see?" Hagimaro continued. "I didn't know you were into hickeys, Suwa."

This caught Suwa's attention and he flipped his head towards Hagimaro and Tsukishima as he'd been talking to James while Tsukishima and Hagimaro were having 'some fun'.

The movement Hagimaro said that made Tsukishima stop kissing Hagimaro's neck for a moment as fear struck him like a bullet before he continued to kiss down Hagimaro's neck slowly.

"I'm not, why?" Suwa asked as he scrunched his eyebrows together.

"Well," Hagimaro said as he grabbed Tsukishima by the hair and turned his neck towards Suwa's direction. "I thinks someone's been a naughty boy." Hagimaro smirked and Swa laughed it off but gave Tsukishima a deadly glare.

Oh shit!

Tsukishima cursed to himself.

"Why don't we teach him a lesson, hmm?" James smiled evilly at Tsukishima.

"I'd like to," Suwa said getting up and grabbing Tsukishima from the arm roughly making Tsukishima stand up. "do that on my own..." Suwa stated.

"Now, now." Hagimaro said spreading his legs wide open, revealing his bludge. "Don't have all the fun on your own Suwa."

"Yeah, it's gonna be rude to your guests." James said.

"Very true," Hagimaro agreed with James. "We can share giving him the lesson..." Hagimaro suggested.

"Yes, that'd be nice." Hagimaro said.

"Okay," Suwa said as he dragged Tsukishima towards the bed in the middle of the room and pushed him on it.

"And I've got the perfect thing to help him learn his lesson." Hagimaro said as he walked over to his white coat on the coat hanger.

Reaching the coat hanger he diged in the pocks to find three stringes packed in a white plastic coating.

"No please," Tsukishima blurred out.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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