Chapter 12: You don't know

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Kuroo woke up due to loud banging on the i front door. Sighing he got up and pulled a shirt over his sweat pants. And called out he's coming.

Reaching the in front door he saw only the knob was locked and the other two locks were open.

Did Tsukki go out this early?

Kuroo questioned himself. As he opened the door as freckled boy appeared. For a second he was confused who it was but then remembered it was the guy met that day with Tsukishima accidentally.

"Oh hi there!" Yamaguchi greater Kuroo.

"Hey, Yama-" Kuroo started but paused thinking if he was taking his name right.

"-guchi" Yamaguchi completed the name as he could tell Kuroo was struggling with the last part of his name.

"Yes, Yamaguchi." Kuroo said as he moved a side to make space so Yamaguchi like come in. "Do come in..."

"Thanks." Yamaguchi said before entering the apartment. "Damn this is a huge ass apartment."

"Haha thanks the rent ain't cheap." Kuroo chuckled.

"Must be." Yamaguchi laughed.

"So what brings you here?" Kuroo asked Yamaguchi as he closed the front door.

"I came to check up on Tsukki." Yamaguchi replied.

"Tsukki's not home..." Kuroo told Yamaguchi.

"Oh is he at work?" Yamaguchi asked.

"Actually I have no clue." Kuroo scratched the back of his neck.

"What do you mean?" Yamaguchi asked. "Didn't he tell you before heading out?"

"Actually we haven't been talking lately." Kuroo sighed. "He's been..."

"Distant?" Yamaguchi suggested the word Kuroo was looking for.

"Yeah.." Kuroo said. "And I know what happened was a mistake...but it's in the past and I've even looked over it and he should too..." Kuroo said sighing once more.

"What do you mean?" Yamaguchi asked confused at what Kuroo was talking about.

"He didn't tell you?" Kuroo asked Yamaguchi.

"He doesn't tell me much I just find out eventually...." Yamaguchi rolled his eyes

"We slept together."

"WHAT?!??!" Yamaguchi exclaimed gawking.

" happened I think 2 years back..." Kuroo said nervously. "But I moved passed that." Kuroo

Did I move on? Kuroo asked himself.

" like you two were dating?" Yamaguchi asked. "He never told me he was in a relationship....not until he introduced me to Suwa."

"Uh...not exactly..." Kuroo said nervously.

"What do you mean?" Yamaguchi asked.

"We weren't exactly dating." Kuroo scratched the back oh his neck looking down at his feet.

"You were 'SEX BUDDIES' ????" Yamaguchi exclaimed.

"NO NO NOOO," Kuroo exclaimed. "We slept only once and that too because...I don't know how to explain."

"So a one night stand?" Yamaguchi asked.

"You can say that but it want for me-" Kuroo blurted and quickly covered his mouth.

What did I just say!!!

"You like Tsukki?" Yamaguchi questioned.

"No no that's not what I mean." Kuroo said in panic.

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