Chapter 13: Jealous

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"What do you mean forgot?" Tsukishima exclaimed in anger towards Akiteru.

"Human beings tend to forget things it's completely normal-"

"Forget over a week now?!??" Tsukishima's voice rose. "I'm paying a lot for the physiotherapy appoints and you don't even bother going!" Tsukishima had turned red in anger.

"I know I kno-"

"Do you know I payed for this month in advance???" Tsukishima exploded at Akiteru.


"YES!! Now it's gone down the drain because if you being 'forgetful' " Tsukishima air quoted.

"Okay, I didn't know about that..."

"Well now you do." Tsukishima sighed loudly.

"I thought you at the end of the month."

"What doctor takes his pay after the treatment?" Tsukishima rolled his eyes at his brother's stupidity.

"Any ways I can walk properly I don't think I'll be needing that physiotherapy any longer."

"Well you aren't the doctor are you." Tsukishima put his hands on his waist. "He said two more months until the lip goes."

"Kei hav you been eating properly?" Akiteru asked Tsukishima noticing his brothers hip bones were standing out when he put his hands on them as well as he'd gotten paler the longer to looked at Tsukishima.

"Don't change the subject!" Tsukishima said trying to get off the topic of whether he's eating or not.

"You'll stay the night, right?" Akiteru asked as he turned around facing his back to Tsukishima. "I'll get dinner ready."

Tsukishima cringed at the word 'dinner' he'd not had dinner for the past month or so. But he'll have to tonight...

I can puke it out later when he's asleep though....

Tsukishima told himself.

• • •

"Promise me you'll go to your remaining appointments" Tsukishima said as he picked up his bag pack.

"Yeah I promise." Akiteru said rolling his eyes at Tsukishima.

"Good," Tsukishima started walking towards the front door. "I'll be heading out now." Tsukishima called out.

"Wait!" Akiteru called out.

"What?" Tsukishima turned around to see Akiteru going in to the kitchen and coming out with a lunch box.

"I made some egg sandwiches for your way." Akiteru smiled.

"Ah...thanks." Tsukishima said taking the lunch box from Akiteru's hands.

"Have a safe ride back." Akiteru called out waving as he saw Tsukishima get in to the cab.

On his way he stopped at a bakery to get a strawberry short cake. It wasn't for him though it was for Kuroo cause he'd felt a bit of guilt for treating him the way he had been. Plus he didn't know names of much cakes and that one looked the most prettiest there.

On the train he saw a couple. They seemed so happy holding hands and smiling as they talked to each other. It made Tsukishima feel...


Shaking the thought out of his mind he moved his gaze to outside the window. But he mind still kept reminding him of that happy couple just a few seats ahead of him.

It's been a while since Tsukishima had actually smiled or even gone out with Suwa. The only outing he'd do would be going to the club doing his job and if Suwa was in the mood fuck him till his legs would give out and he'd still keep going as much as Tsukishima would ask him to stop or try to stop him he'd grip on to Tsukishima's throat and hold him down.

The very thought of it sent shivers down his spine. He wasn't in love with Suwa an more.

Was I even in love with him in the first place?

It all started so quickly and Tsukishima was a mess when it started as just a few months ago his mother had passed away. He needed someone to cling to. And that turned out to be Suwa.

Suwa showered him with love and affection. It got Tsukishima's mind off of the hurtful things in life. As much Tsukishima denied it he had fallen in love with Suwa. When he'd told Suwa that he'd replied with I 'love you too' and it made his heart pound. Not the way it does now due to fear.

All that love took over his sense of mind. He didn't care what Suwa did or treated him like he was too blinded by 'love'.

He thought Suwa wanted to spice up their love life when he started tie down Tsukishima and tease him. Then make love to him. But as time passed Suwa started to rougher and more forceful with things. Tsukishima never wanted to give blowjobs to anyone as he believe it was unhygienic.

But this one time when Suwa had had Tsukishima cuffed to the bed he forced Tsukishima to open up and take his who member in his mouth nearly choking him. And he held Tsukishima hair and made him bob Tsukishima's head to his liking.

Afterwards he'd told Tsukishima he sucked ass of giving blowjobs and he needs practice. Tsukishima was disgusted that day and didn't go see or talk to him for a whole week but they Suwa came up to his apartment. He and Tsukishima had a argument in which Tsukishima threatened to break it off and which Suwa did not like and forced him down on the living room floor and did him. Afterwards he left without a word leaving the drenched in sweat and tears Tsukishima on the floor sprawled.

Tsukishima had promised himself that this was the last time he'd let Suwa do this to him. But then 3 days later his brothers car crash happened. And he had no one to call cause Yamaguchi at the time was living with him. He actually moved in with Tsukishima a month later.

He was panicking and just then he'd gotten a call from Suwa when he asked him to please come to him as he needed someone to be here with him. To which Suwa came rushing and Tsukishima thought maybe things can go back to normal because of the caring and at Suwa was for than one month before he'd turned back to his usual abusing self.


Suwa & Tsukishima's relationship is pretty toxic don't ya think?

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