Chapter 31: Cheating

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Reaching the apartment Tsukishima was about to unlock the door before the women started banging on the door.

"Testu!" She said loudly and then Tsukishima heard a loud grunt and Kuroo yell back 'coming.'.

The door opened to reveal kuroo in only a towel wrapped around his torso his hair weren't wet so he was probably about to head for a bath.

"Tsukki..." Kuroo said with an awkward tension between the two Tsukishima just nodded in reply.

"Here I got the keys." The women said as she waltz's in nudging Kuroo's shoulder on her way in.

Tsukishima's eyes unintentionally fell onto Kuroo's perfectly sculptured upper body which was on full display. And Kuroo noticed it and went red. His body started to feel weird under Tsukishima's gaze.

"Um...ya coming in?" Kuroo asked steeping aside to make space for Tsukishima to enter.

"A..yeah.." Tsukishima said as he made his way in. Tsukishima said on the small stool in the corner and took off his shoes as he did he noticed Kuroo had gone to the lounge where that women was.

Tsukishima could hear a conversation going on between the two but didn't pay much attention to it as it actually gave him the opportunity to go make a run for his room.

As he was about to head to his room the women called him.

"Hey you wanna have Thai food tonight?" She asked Tsukishima.

"My apologies I ate at work."

" least join in dude! You're always in your room, I wanna get to know my bro's lover boy."

"Mayumi!" Kuroo said in the stern voice.

"Bro?" Tsukishima asked confused.

"Can't I call him my bro?" She chuckled. "I'm not that old."

"But he's your boyfriend-"

"Boy-WHAT??!" She exclaimed before breaking in to a loud laughter.

Kuroo on the other hand looked mortified.

"What's so funny?" Tsukishima asked still confused to what was going on.

"SHE'S MY SISTER!!" Kuroo said loudly as he grabbed his face in his hands and shook his head while the women who's name Tsukishima now knew as Mayumi continued to laugh.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Mayumi said as she wiped a stray tear.

"Wait, you thought I was dating her??" Kuroo asked lifting his face from his hands.

"I am pretty gorgeous ya know." She flipped her hair.

"You look like a chimpanzee." Kuroo said as he rolled his eyes at Mayumi.

"How dare you you you Ape!" She threw back at Kuroo.

Ape? He looks more like a cat struck with lightning...

Tsukishima thought to himself.

"You're actually correct he does with his stupid hair bed hair." Mayumi laughed.

Shit! did I think that out loud??!!

"Yeah you did." Mayumi replied chuckling.

"Any who I'm ordering Thai food. What ya want?" Mayumi asked Tsukishima as she took out her phone.

"I'm not hungry I-"

"You ate, I know." Mayumi said rolling her eyes. "But you've never had this Thai food I'm aboutta order. It's out of this world good."

"Really I'm not-"

"Come on don't be a party pooper!" Mayumi whined.

"May if he doesn't wanna eat don't-"

"Fine," Mayumi sighed. "I'll oder for us only...I'll order some extra in case you decide to join us." Mayumi said before she dialed the number.

It's been over an hour since Tsukishima learned out that 'that women' he'd been getting irritated and jealous by was actually Kuroo's sister. Tsukishima couldn't believe it but he tried to put the dots together. She did have the same jet black hair as Kuroo as well as their eyes eyes were the same color too...


Tsukishima groaned.

Idiot. Why didn't I notice this earlier...

Sitting on the chair Tsukishima rested his head against the chairs head-frame. Tsukishima had excused himself from the awkwardness and said he'd have to study as he had an exam on Monday. Which wasn't entirely a lie he did have exams coming up soon.

Just as he was about to flip a page of his note book he heard the front door shut and he knows what that meant...

He's alone with Kuroo.

Tsukishima fiddled with his hands for a few minutes as his mind traced thoughts of relief which he didn't know why he felt. A weight had had been lifted from on top of his chest.

Sighing Tsukishima closed his note book and stood up. He started pacing in his room as he tried to make up the courage to go out the room and talk to Kuroo. Tsukishima wanted to apologize to Kuroo for kissing him. But something in him had changed he didn't want to apologize. But he had to...

Do I really have to..?

Tsukishima asked himself.

It's not like he was dating anyone...but I am...


Now you guys know she's Kuroo's sister...

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