Chapter 4: Sleepless

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A slight knowing noise woke Tsukishima up. He turned to his right and shooed the person.

"Tsukki?" Kuroo whispered opening the bedroom sore slightly. No rely so he can walked in and saw Tsukishima asleep on to of his books.

Sighing Kuroo picked the books from underneath Tsukishima carefully before he placed them in the bedside table. He pulled the blanket up on Tsukishima as he was about to let go of the blanket and leave Tsukishima took a grab of his hand.

"Don't leave." He sobbed in his sleep. "Please doesn't leave me."

As much as that made Kuroo not want to leave and hug Tsukishima he couldn't he knew what happened last night he stayed. But this time it felt more real than just drunk sleep talking.

Kuroo sat on the edge of the bed as he looked at the now sound asleep Tsukishima. His heart pounded to see this sight again. Sighing he removed Tsukishima's grip from his hand and left the room.

When Tsukishima woke up the next morning he saw that he had a blanket over him with this books on his bedside table which he did not remember doing.

'It must've been Yamaguchi...'

Tsukishima told himself before closing his eyes again but then they popped open realizing he wasn't in the same apartment anymore. Jumping out of bed he saw he was at least dressed in the same clothes he'd fallen a sleep in. Exiting his bedroom he saw Kuroo at the stove making good something.

"Don't you dare come in my room." Tsukishima spat.

"Well good morning to you as well." Kuroo said his back still facing Tsukishima.

Tsukishima went back in his room and slammed the door shut like a angry teenager.

"I've made eggs come eat." Kuroo called out. No reply.

Sighing Kuroo wrote a note and slide it underneath Tsukishima's door before leaving for work.

When Tsukishima heard the front door slam shut he got out of his bed and walked headed out of his room for a quick shower before heading out himself.

After showering he came in his room when he felt a paper get stuck underneath his wet feet. Picking it up he saw it was a sticky note from Kuroo.

"Sorry I came in your room.
There are eggs and beacon in the microwave"

Tsukishima crumpled the sticky note and threw in in the dustbin before leaving the apartment.

"So how is it?" Yamaguchi exclaimed as Tsukishima took a sip of his coffee.

"How is what?" Tsukishima asked putting down his cup of coffee.

"You're new apartment! Suwa tells me you have a roommate!" Yamaguchi said excitedly.

"When did you two talk?" Tsukishima asked.

"Oh just yesterday he'd came by accidentally thinking you'd still not moved out....say Tsukishima didn't you tell him you moved out?" Yamaguchi asked a bit concerned.

"Oh must've slipped my mind." Tsukishima brushed it off.

"I heard your roommate is one of our seniors! But I don't recall Dauchi-San or anyone else here in this-"

"It's Kuroo." Tsukishima sighed.

"You moved in with Kuroo?" Yamaguchi asked confused.

"You know that guy with the weird bed hair we played nationals against."

Yamaguchi didn't know of what happened between Kuroo and Tsukishima cause Tsukishima at the time didn't tell anyone about it. Not even Suwa knew.

"Not a clue." Yamaguchi shook his head.

"Well he isn't important." Tsukishima flapped his hand in the air.

"I hope he can deal with your sass." Yamaguchi snorted.

"I hope so too." An unknown voice called from behind them.

"Kuroo-San?" Tsukishima looked behind him.

"Tsukki." Kuroo smiled sweetly before looking ahead of Tsukishima to Yamaguchi and stretching a hand.

"I'm Kuroo, Tsukki's roommate." Kuroo introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you Kuroo-San." Yamaguchi smiled shaking Kuroo's extended arm. "I'm his ex roommate." Yamaguchi said letting go of his hand.

"Please just call me Kuroo."

"Okay," Yamaguchi said nodding and then gestured for Kuroo to sit with them at the table.

"Do you go to the same university as us?" Yamaguchi asked Kuroo.

"I used to," Kuroo said putting his black messenger bag on the table making Tsukishima tsk. "I actually am the coach for Nekoma Volleyball team." Kuroo said proudly.

"What about coach Nekomata?" Tsukishima asked out of the blue this causer Kuroo to turn his head towards Tsukishima.

"Oh he retired a few months back." Kuroo told Tsukishima. "I'm surprised you remembered his name." This got Tsukishima to roll his eyes at Kuroo before taking another sip of his coffee.

"Oh I hope you liked the omelette I made i didn't exactly know how you like your eggs." Kuroo said as he opened his phone to text a message.

"Oh Tsukki doesn't eat eggs." Yamaguchi told Kuroo sighing. "He basically doesn't eat breakfast to be honest."

"Doesn't eat breakfast?!!" Kuroo exclaimed putting his phone down on the table. "That's absurd! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day."

"I know right!" Yamaguchi agreed.

"Well we will have to change that." Kuroo said crossing his arms on the table.

"Good luck, I've been trying for years." Yamaguchi sighed. He will only have one meal a day most of the times-"


"Exactly!!! I don't know how he survives!" Yamaguchi exclaimed.

"Well why don't you two just become roommates instead." Tsukishima said before getting up and leaving the cafe.

"Tsukki doesn't like talking about food." Yamaguchi said sighing.

"Why?" Kuroo asked confused.

"He doesn't like talking about a lot of stuff....but you'll learn that with time." Yamaguchi smiled.


Yamaguchi & Kuroo met Yayyy!

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