𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷 - 𝚊𝚖𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚊

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I awoke to find myself on a bed. The blankets were tossed carelessly about as I jumped off, making myself nauseous from the quick movement. How did I get here? The last thing I remembered was being in Italy with my friends... not being, no, I lived there. But I was talking in my head in English? Do I know Italian? Was I visiting Italy?

I left the room, for some reason I had causal clothes on and not pajamas. I entered the living room slash kitchen of the small house and laid my eyes upon a tall, curly haired, brunette man, he was cooking something in the kitchen. It smelled awfully good. But the smell could not distract me from my main reason of searching the house.

To find out who I was... that sounded too Disney Channel.

What I didn't notice was an army of dogs in the room that soon swarmed me. A whole stampede of fluffy pooches. I let out a yelp in surprise, announcing my presence to the stranger. The dogs jumped around me and I backed into the wall behind me, overwhelmed by the chaotic and overexcited animals.

I had never seen so many dogs in a small house before. They were all pretty much friendly but the barking was annoying. Why not a calm house of cats?

"You've finally woken up," the man spoke without turning his head, "I was extremely worried you were dead after what happened..."

    He turned his head towards me and now I could get a good look at his face. He had a cozy look to him, if that made any sense. His soft, forest shade sweater and causal pants made him look rather friendly and approachable. Though I didn't know him, I would be lying to myself if I said he wasn't attractive.

 Though I didn't know him, I would be lying to myself if I said he wasn't attractive

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The man made his way towards me with a blank expression. I tried to read for any signs of any emotions at all, but I couldn't find any. The dogs around me wagged their tails, happy that their master was near. To say I was getting nervous would be an understatement. I couldn't get past the dogs, I was literally trapped against the wall. Like those fish that swarm when food is thrown out.

The man chuckled at his dogs' behavior. I kept an eye on the man, he was not to be trusted. Do not trust hot men, I scolded myself. Villains were almost always more attractive than heroes, unfortunately. Or maybe that was a good thing.

"Who are you?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"You don't remember? I'm Will."

My brows furrowed as I couldn't remember him. I shook my head and he frowned.

The man, Will, spoke again, "Hannibal will not like to hear this."

"Why am I here?" I got straight to the point.

"Because I'm your partner, of course," He smiled.

I was slightly taken aback by his answer. I was in a relationship with him? I didn't even know him. How would I even pull a guy like that? Did I trick him?

"Are we not in Italy?" I scanned the room for possible escapes, seeing the door gave me a little hope. I kept my expression how it was; confused, so that Will wouldn't suspect anything.

"I was hopping that would jog your memory," his face turned to one of displeasure, "perhaps if you met your other boyfriend that would help!"

I ignored what he said, As soon as Will's back was turned I bolted towards the door. I reached the door but a pair of strong arms wrapped around me, picking me up. I screamed and flailed but to no avail I couldn't escape his tight hold he had around my body.

"You're not leaving anytime soon!" He shouted above my yells of protests, "Not until you remember!"

Will set me down on his couch and backed away from me. His eyes never leaving mine, and his dogs moving out of the way as they were startled and riled up. I just stared at him, frightened. I could only assume what he would do to me. That scared me even more. He knew me? How did he know me? The irony of this situation was funny and scary at the same time, he knew me, I didn't know him and I didn't know me. Who was me? Me is who? Was? Me? Who? What—?

"Understand?" Will leaned towards me.

    I nodded, he placed his hands on the back of the couch on either side of me. Caging me between him.

"Use your words," he purred.

"Yes," My voice barely above a whisper as I sunk deeper into the couch, a glare evident on my face.

"Good," Will went to the kitchen to grab some food.

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