𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟷 - 𝙳𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚛 𝙶𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚜

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    It was finally time to put on the outfit, jewelry and do my hair. Too much work for a few strangers and my two attractive captors. Life with them wasn't so bad, I guess. Dog man and sharp chef, if I knew them well I would call them that out loud. Silly nicknames.

   I put on my outfit and did my hair. The guests would arrive in a few minutes, Hannibal wanted me downstairs to greet them. That would make me being here seem normal to the guests. Hannibal was terrifyingly clever. It was dark out and I could hear the faint sounds of Hannibal preparing dinner. Will was probably helping him, as he often did.

    As I walked downstairs I could hear an unfamiliar voice. Probably one of the guest. The other was familiar, it belonged to Alana. She wouldn't help me, she was clueless. How could she be so clueless? It hurt.

I entered the room, finding Will and Hannibal wearing suits along with a third man. I slowly walked over to them. The third man eyed me with lust. My hopes were crushed, he wouldn't help me either. The way he held himself reminded me a little bit of Hannibal, with professional and a charm. I assumed they had to have more in coomon besides being friends or acquaintances.

"Chilton, I'd like you to meet (y/n)." Hannibal said.

Hannibal calling me by my name sounded familiar. I was now in a group, Chilton walked over to me and took my hand in his. He brought my hand to his lips and kissed the back of my palm, much like Hannibal did. Perhaps they were cousins? I would rather they not be.

"A pleasure," He smirked.

I flashed him a fake smile before pulling back my hand. Alana and I made small talk while the men discussed something quietly.

"How are you feeling?" Alana asked me.

"Physically or mentally?" I asked.

"All together," She was being quite nice to me, I was ready to attempt to spill the beans. But I would be outnumbered.

"Physically, I'm okay," I responded truthfully. "Mentally? I'm completely and utterly sane. I was sane today and I was sane yesterday and I was sane the day before that."

I was trying to hint to her that I wasn't crazy and that what I said to her the other day was the truth. She gave me an odd, calculating look before nodding. We talked a bit more before it was time for dinner. We all walked into the dining room and I seated myself across from Chilton, not by choice of course. Alana was at Chilton's side and Will sat next to me.
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     Hannibal brought in plates that he balanced on a tray and placed them in front of us

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Hannibal brought in plates that he balanced on a tray and placed them in front of us. It was an array of meat and vegetables. Hannibal took his place at the end of the table. Everybody started eating, I could feel Chilton's eyes on me. He was quite annoying. It was silent for a bit before Hannibal started a conversation, I made sure to listen to every detail, because it could possibly aid me.

    I soon became bored and just observed everybody's behavior. What caught my eye was Chilton pushing his meat to the edge of the plate in disgust. I knew the meat tasted strange and Hannibal never mentioned what kind of meat it was, would he drug his guests? Possible vegetarian?

"How long have you two known eachother?" I gestured to Chilton and Hannibal.

"Years, I would guess," Chilton answered.

   Years, huh? Then wouldn't Hannibal know if Chilton was a vegetarian or not? Odd.

"How long have you been a vegetarian?" I started to pry, I was merely guessing when I asked the question but it was worth a shot.

  It was a little rude of me to ask such a question but I was quite curious.

"A couple months ago." Chilton hesitated before answering me.

"You? A vegetarian?" Alana scoffed in amusement. "You always eat meat."

    So there was something going on! I turned my gaze back to Chilton with a sly look. He was nervous and hiding something. Chilton quickly changed the subject, Will and Hannibal exchanging odd looks to eachother of what I said.

Once dinner was over I was the last to put my plate in the sink. Everybody else was talking in the living room. I turned around but was soon face to face with a frumious Chilton. He looked angry and lustful. Two very dangerous or sexy combinations depending on the person.

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