𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟼 - 𝚖𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚎 𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝

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The lights came back on and it took my eyes a few seconds to adjust before I saw Hannibal and Will towering over me. Concern and guilt plastered on their faces.

"Will, I'd like for you to care for (y/p)," Hannibal looked at Will then back to me, "I will take care of Atlas."

I was still frozen in shock, not even moving when Hannibal picked me up bridal style with Atlas on my stomach. Atlas looked like a bullet only grazed his back, nothing fatal to my luck. Will stayed in the basment while Hannibal brought me into that medical looking room. He placed me on the table, seeing that Atlas was injured and I wasn't he took to treating the dog first.

  The continuous ringing in my ear stopped a bit ago and I just watched as Hannibal treated my dog's wounds. He was done in an hour and placed the shaken pup in my arms. A large bandaid was on top of his back.

"The bullet just grazed him, luckily," he explained, "now let's get you cleaned up."

   I nodded, staring at my bloody hands. Hannibal helped me off the table and Atlas left the room in search of mine. He didn't have a dog bed, and so he just slept in mine. Will made himself known, walking up to Hannibal and I.

"Take (y/n) up to (y/p) room," Hannibal nudged me, "I'll go find some fresh clothes and towels."

   I just saw something I probably shouldn't have seen. Why am I not dead? And who was that woman?

"Let's go."

   Will and I started walking to my room, up the stairs, and down the hall we went. I wasn't really paying much attention to him. My mind was too preoccupied with what just happened in the basement.

Will walked into my room first, going over to the bathroom and taking out soap and other necessities. Atlas was passed out on my bed, I weakly smiled at him. Hannibal soon came up with dark colored towels, which was smart because then I wouldn't acciddently stain the white towels with blood. Hannibal handed me the them and I walked over to the shower.

"We'll be downstairs if you need anything."

  They left the room and closed the door. I locked the door and headed over to the bathroom. I took my clothes off, stepped in the shower, and then turned the shower on. The blood from my hands washed off, even though the blood was from Atlas I felt like it was from the woman. Should I have warned her? I don't even know who she was. Was it my fault that she died?

  I finished up in the shower and dried myself off. The blood was all gone but the memory wasn't. I left the bathroom, with a towel wrapped around my body, and found a set of pajamas neatly folded on the bed. I changed into them and left the room without Atlas, letting him sleep. I walked further down the hall and was about to walk down the stairs until a hand touched my shoulder. I jumped in suprise at the random contact.

"It's just me, (y/n)."

     I whipped around and saw Will close to me.

"Is Atlas..."

"Sleeping on my bed," I assured him.


  A moment passed between us... An awkward silence. Nothing but the sound of our breaths. Will was the first to break the silence.

"Hannibal is getting take out," Will said, "we're gonna eat and watch a movie in Hannibal's room."


   The last time I remembered watching a movie was with my friend in Italy, I don't remember what the movie was, though. I followed Will into Hannibal's bedroom. His room was quite nice, grey walls, silver and dark lavender furniture, matching drapes and bedding. The room was well organized, I expected that. A TV was against a wall, in front of the bed.

Will grabbed a remote and sat on the bed, he gestured for me to come sit and I did. We started scrolling through movies, we landed in classics and was deciding between Ben-hur (the orginal one) and The Godfather. I didn't remember either but Will said he already watched Ben-hur.

   We soon heard Hannibal's car drive up to the house and him enter. After a few minutes of him downstairs he came into the room with a bag of take out food inside. He sat down on the other side of me, I was now in the middle of the two men. Hannibal took out the food and I somehow recognized the kind.

"Hibachi?" I asked as I helped Hannibal pass the food.

"Yes..." Hannibal formed a small smile, "I'm glad you're remembering stuff."

"So, what are we watching?" Hannibal asked.

"We have Ben-hur and The Godfather as the choices," Will told Hannibal.

   We ended up watching The Godfather.

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