𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟸 - 𝙿𝚊𝚒𝚗

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TW : sexual assault, mentions of suicide

Once dinner was over I was the last to put my plate in the sink. Everybody else was talking in the living room. I turned around but was soon face to face with frumious Chilton. He looked angry and lustful. Two very dangerous or sexy combination depending on the person. My heart rate quickened and I was nervous.

"How dare you make a fool of me!" He snarled, standing just a yard away.


"You know what I'm talking about!" Chilton snapped. "Why the hell do you think I don't eat the meat he sets before me?! Not because I think it tastes bad. But because of what it is probably made of!"

"What're you talking about?" Chilton took a step towards me.

"All I'm saying is I suggest you don't eat the meat," He responded, "You're no better than the rest of them."

"Why are you telling me this?" I snarled back at him.

"Because I find you... intriguing." He grinned as he combed his hand through my hair.

   I flinched back and was about to walk away until he put his arms on either side of me. Trapping me from moving. Chilton glanced to the side to make sure no one was watching. He returned his attention to me and stared into my fear filled, (e/c) eyes.

    He started nipping and kissing my neck. I attempted to push him off but he was too strong, surprisingly. I was about to scream until he put a hand over my mouth and looked me dead in the eyes, our faces inches from eachother.

"If you scream I'll kill your lovers," He threatened.

    To me it was almost an empty threat.

"Go ahead and kill 'em, I couldn't care less!" I growled, still trying to push him off of me.

    The timing couldn't have been worse. Atlas ran over to us barking and started attacking Chilton. The problem was that he was too small. Chilton kicked him away but he kept returning. Did this ducking bastard just kick my dog?! I felt like going full John Wick on this sorry exuse for a man.

"Stop!" I shouted as he grabbed a knife from behind me to kill Atlas.

   Fuckin' monster! Chilton looked at me with a sly smile, knowing that he found my weakness.

"Leave, Atlas." I ordered the puppy, softly.

   Atlas left, he knew that I was in distress, he could practically sense it. He would go off to alert my two lovers, unbeknownst to me. I punched him straight in the jaw but he pressed the knife to my stomach in repsonse. I growled in annoyance before slapping the knife out of his hand and trying to hurt him again until he grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head.

Chilton began kissing me roughly. His tongue soon asking for entrance. I didn't give in and in response he moved his hands down my pants which caused me to gasp in surprise. His tongue slithered into my mouth and I gagged. He pressed himself against me, my body leaning on the counter for support.

"Chilton?" I could hear Alana's voice faintly. "We're leaving!"

"You're mine." He growled beside my ear.

    He gave me one last love mark on my neck before leaving me. I shoved him off, screaming at him in my mind while I flipped him off. My heart was racing and my head was throbbing. I let the tears fall, quietly sobbing.

That wicked man! That horrendous, damn bastard! I can't keep doing this! I grabbed the knife Chilton threatened me with and ran outside in the dark

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That wicked man! That horrendous, damn bastard! I can't keep doing this! I grabbed the knife Chilton threatened me with and ran outside in the dark. I was surprised that it wasn't locked but I didn't have time to think too greatly on that.

    I sat by the side of the house, I didn't even bother closing the door. I placed the knife close to my beating heart. My trembling body making the knife shake.

Hold still, damn it!

Atlas came rushing outside and jumped on top of me, he started licking my face, trying to lift my spirits. He gently nipped my hand that was holding the knife. Why was he so smart? I let out a soft laugh in between my crying and placed the knife away from me. I couldn't do it. I didn't have the guts to do it. It would be such a selfish thing to do.

    I picked up Atlas and hugged him, he snuggled into me as I cried more. The door to the house opened wider, revealing two extremely concerned men. Will rushed over to me, first moving the knife farther away before engulfing me in a, strangely, comforting hug. Hannibal was right behind Will and joined in the hug. They were both wanting to know what had happened.

"Chilton," I said his name with disgust.

"That son of a bitch!" Will shouted in anger.

"Let's go back inside, (y/n)," Hannibal's voice softly coaxed me.

   I nodded and let Hannibal pick me up bridal style, Atlas was now sleeping on my stomach. Hannibal placed me in my bed and I soon dozed off. Happy to escape from reality. To have that short dream space where I couldn't remember Chilton or the vile thing he did to me. Just dreams.


Two chapters in one night?! (Or day) I'm spoiling you all 😂

Since I have more ideas you'll be able to expect quicker updates! ❤️

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