𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟸 - 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚙𝚊𝚒𝚗

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I awoke with a nasty headache. What the hell happened? I sat up slowly, my head spinning and my mind racing with thoughts. I got captured... that's what happened. If I just didn't freeze up I wouldn't be in this mess. Atlas... where's Atlas?! I looked around frantically, I was too consumed with my thoughts to take notice of where I was.

  I was in a basement. Bad stuff always happens in the basement. I would know from experience. Atlas was nowhere to be found. But it was so dark in here I bet even if I looked harder I still wouldn't be able to find him. What if they killed him? Oh hell no, please no.

A door slammed open from afar and I jumped in surprise, I edged back but soon felt cold medal around my ankle, keeping me chained to a pole. Dragging footsteps made their way down the stairs and towards me. The man who drugged me to unconsiousness was now before me. A plate of food in his hands. He looked down at me with a sadistic grin, but also a look of disapointment. What for I do not know.

"Eat," Was all he ordered me.

I just stared at him...no, glared. I glared at this man as he placed the food near me. He watched me for a few minutes. Creep.

"It's not poisioned."

I didn't say anything. I kicked the plate away from me with my unchained leg, the food splattering across the floor and onto the man's shoes. He let out a small gasp just before lunging at me with fury in his eyes.

"You bitch!"

A punch to the gut and I was out. I was too weak, still recovering from the drug. I didn't pass out, I was just lying on the floor in pain. A kick to the upper arm and one to the leg followed the other hit. Is this my punishment for trying to escape? Did Hannibal and Will tell this guy to hurt me?

"Stop," The same meak voice from yesterday said.

The man stepped back from me, composing himself. He left the basement, the girl staying behind. She was younger than me... or older, I couldn't tell with the bad lighting. To my luck, the girl turned a small light on. She was younger, late teens. She was holding Atlas in her arms, he was squirming. She set him down and Atlas ran full speed towards me. He was all over me, excited but scared.

"I'm sorry."

I looked up at the girl. Trying to read her.

"For what?" I shrugged in pain, "You didn't hit me."

She shrugged this time. After a few minutes of silence she spoke again.

"I heard that a man is coming to pick you up."


"Are you in a trafficking ring?"

"Gosh no!"

She left after that. Probably afraid that, who I assumed was her father, would get angry at her for being down here with me. I was left in the basement for several hours. The chain was digging into my skin, blood was probably drawn. Large bruises were slowly forming, black and purple. I heard the dragging feet of that bastard. He had a gun in one hand and a long black rag in the other. I held Atlas close to me. He snatched Atlas from me and threw him across the room. Atlas made contact with the floor and let out a yelp in pain. He pointed the gun at the dog.

"Now you're gonna let me put this blindfold on ya," He barked, "Or I'm gonna kill that mutt."

I nodded my head slowly. He came up to me and tied the blindfold around my head. He saw my bruises and sighed in annoyance. I felt a jacket being shoved to me.

"Put this on."

I put the jacket on quickly. He probably doesn't want them to see my marks. Was he not supposed to hurt me? I felt a rough hand on my back, pushing me out of the basement. He stopped for a second, clutching the fabric on my back so I would stop as well. Why did we stop? A two sounds which would scar me for a long time reached me ear. The sound of a gunshot and a yelp.

"NO!" I screamed.

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