𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟿 - 𝚃𝚛𝚞𝚝𝚑

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"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me!"

"Fine," Will muttered.


"No, Hannibal. If she wants to know," Will raised his voice, "Then we'll show her!"

My heart started racing. Show me? Shit, are they going to kill me? Will gingerly took a hold of my wrist and pulled me towards the basement. We walked down the flight of stairs with Hannibal trailing behind us. I kept my mouth shut. He stopped once we were infront of a freezer. I looked at Will, puzzled. Freeze me to death?

"Open it," Will ordered.

I hesitated before opening it. What I saw almost made me gag. There was a freakin', bloody hand in a ziploc bag! I stared at it for awhile, my mind racing with sick thoughts. what kind of people are they? It's obviously not fake! Is that whats going to happen to me? Chopped up into a bunch of pieces. My eyes wandered around the fridge, the more I saw the heavier my breathing became. Will closed the fridge and took my hand again.

"Is that enough for you?"

I frantically nodded my head, but I guess he didn't think it was enough because he brought me over to something even more disturbing. The woman who Hannibal killed was sliced into multiple pieces. Her sliced body placed seperatly in multiple glass incasings. What... the... fuck.

"Do you know what we are?" Will asked.

"Murderers..." I mumbled, "Why was there body parts in the freezer?"

I was scared of the answer. My face was pale, my heart going crazy, and my legs about to give out from how overwhelmed I was.

"Hannibal uses those," Will answered.

"For w-what?" I stuttered.

"To eat."

I glanced at Hannibal, who held a curious expression, probably curious of how I was taking this all in. I was not doing well. So... they are cannibals?! Have they been feeding me... oh gosh. I thought the meat tasted strange! Atlas was suddenly at my side, licking my leg and rubbing against me, hoping to comfort my quivering self. Will and Hannibal guided me back up stairs. My legs finally gave out and I fainted once we left the the basement. Now If someone else went through what I did, they probably would have passed out too. I'm no wimp.

When I woke up I found myself back in my room, all my body parts were still intact. I gave a sigh of relief and got of bed. I contemplated going downstairs or not. I decided against it and started reading the Harry Potter book. As good as the book was I wasn't reading it, I was creating an escape plan. Once I escape with Atlas we'll head straight to Atlanta. But they probably know I would head there... I would just have to be careful. I looked up at the small window, large enough for a body to go through. Was it locked, though?

I jumped onto the small couch and examined the window. No locks... strange. Are they testing me? I looked out the window, but misplaced my foot and fell off the couch. My back made contact with the wooden floor and I groaned in pain. Footsteps could be heard running down the hall. I freaked out, they can't know I was trying to escape! I was close to the bed and so I grabbed whatever blanket was on it and yanked it on top of me.

Just in time. Will and Hannibal slammed the door open. They searched the room until they saw me on the floor, blankets and all.

"What happened?" Hannibal asked.

"I fell off the bed," I explained.

They seemed to have bought my lie. Perfect. They left the room after helping me up and I returned to the book. I would just need to wait until they left the house. Then I could escape.

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