𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟽 - 𝙿𝚞𝚙𝚙𝚢

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  After I finished eating the door to the bedroom opened again and Hannibal walked towards me. His elegance radiating off him so much I had to look away.

"What do you want?" I asked, raising a brow.

"Nothing but the best for you, my dear" He had a sly grin placed upon his thin lips.

"Says the person who threw a knife at me," I scoffed.

"And patched you up."

Hannibal saw that I finished the food and picked up the tray before I could move it myself. Being entirely dependent on someone like this felt familiar but odd.

Once again, what excellent room service...

"Was the food to your liking?" He asked me.



   Hannibal left the room with the tray and then walked down the hall. I listened to his light footsteps until I couldn't hear them anymore.

    Did he drug the food? Oh shit, why did I eat it?! I don't feel strange... just normal, besides the wound on my leg. Just for safety measures I rushed to the bathroom, hovered over the open toilet, and did something I never would have done. I stuck my fingers down my throat. I didn't realize that was probably the worst thing you could do in a situation like this but I panicked and wasn't thinking straight.

I started gagging and it was taking all my willpower to keep my fingers there. I eventually threw up all my food from earlier. After I wiped my mouth off, with fancy toilet paper, I sat on the bathroom floor panting. Listening to the toilet flush all the evidence of what I had done.

I hoped that no one heard me. If I must starve to not be drugged then so be it! Maybe I was just being paranoid. What was their gain in drugging me? Sadistic pleasure?

   My breathing was shaky and I felt gross. I heard the door to the bedroom open and my heart skipped a beat. Footsteps could be heard coming into the room. Hannibal was now at the bathroom door, gazing upon my shaky form.

"I did not drug your food," He said with disappointment, as if looking upon a child who had done wrong.

"You think I'm going to believe that?" My eyebrows knitted in disbelief.

Hannibal didn't respond, he just placed a pile of folded clothes next to me and left. I picked up the clothes and examined them. The clothes were quite casual except for one fancier outfit. My clothes that I already had on weren't disgusting but they were stained and could probably go through several washes.

I locked the bathroom door and changed into the casual clothes. I left the bathroom. It was getting dark out and I accepted defeat... for now. I turned the lights off, collapsed onto the bed and soon fell asleep.

   I was awoken by something licking my face. Thinking it was one of the men I shot up and got ready to yell at one of them in annoyance. A golden retriever puppy was on my bed. I almost wanted to cry because how cute it was!

I was relieved to know that it was just the puppy who was licking me

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I was relieved to know that it was just the puppy who was licking me. Anybody else and they would've gotten a punch to the gut. I assumed that this was one of Will's dogs, though I don't remember him having a golden retriever, or a puppy at the most when I was in his house. Perhaps this one was too small for me to see.

The sun was out. Did I seriously sleep the whole night without any attractive creeps coming to bother me? I slept fine too. To the disappointment of the reader...

I played around with the puppy on the bed for a bit before we were interrupted by Will. Go away. He closed the door behind him and stood a foot away from the bed. We just stared at eachother for a moment. He was wearing a black sweater with dark brown jeans. His hair was a little messy.

"I see you've met him already." His voice drawled.

"What's his name?" I turned my attention back to the dog, continuing to play with him.

"He doesn't have one yet."

"How come?"

"Because I want you to name him," Will put his hand out to the puppy, but it just nipped at him and returned to me.

I nodded. I couldn't think of any names at the moment for the puppy. Will was still standing there, watching me play him. He was at ease seeing I was relaxed, remembering that this was how I usually was around the two of them.

"Is there something I can help you with?" I asked him with a fake smile, stopping him from his dazed stare.

"Breakfast will be in a few minutes," Will told me, shaking himself out of his thoughts, "I trust you can come downstairs on your own without attempting to escape."

"I wouldn't dream of it," I said, sarcastically.

Will left the room, leaving the door unlocked. I picked up the puppy, walked out of the room and into the hall. I lingered in the hall for a bit, considering escaping. I didn't know the layout of this house and would probably get lost, trapped, and then punished for my attempt at escaping so it would be best if I didn't try anything at the moment.

For now I would have to put up with all of this. Perhaps even get Hannibal and Will to trust me... then escape. Hopefully not get Stockholm's syndrome.

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