𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟷 - 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚛

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I'm seriously doing this... I'm walking away from the house. I'm escaping with Atlas at my side. I feel bad, I shouldn't. Maybe I might miss those crazy people. I can't think of that now! No, I have to keep going.

Every time a car would pass me my heart would skip a beat. It's a stupid idea for me to be near the road, I know. I stopped walking once I saw a taxi... weird. I flagged the car down and it stopped near me. No one I was familier with was in the car. I got into the car, the man turned his head to me. Atlas hopped right onto the seat beside me.

"Where ya heading to, miss?" He asked in a friendly tone.


"What?" He looked at me in bewilderment, "I'm sorry, miss. I can't go that far."

"Then drive me as far as you can," I said, "And fast."


He began to drive and I stared out the window, throwing glances at the driver and fidgeting with my bag. We were ten minutes into the trip when he started making light conversation.

"Going to see family?" He asked.

"Yes," I lied.

"Nice. What brought you here?"

"My uncle."

We talked a bit more. I lied constantly, it didn't feel good. I started noticing that we made slight turns until we were heading back to where I started. I put on such a calm facade that the driver assumed I was naive to what he was doing. What an idiot. I spotted the driver's phone inbetween the two seats in front of me. Perfect. If I took that then he would not be able to call anyone. I made a gagging sound and placed a hand on the drivers shoulder, using my other hand to grab the phone and slide it into my pocket.

"I think I'm going to throw up," I gagged again, "I get motion sickness."

That wasn't a lie, but I don't get motion sickness so easily. He pulled over and I exited the car. He kept a sharp eye on me, I did likewise. I came back, letting Atlas slip out and grabbing my bag before bolting in the opposite direction.


The driver tried running after me but I was gone before he could catch up. He got back in his car and started driving towards me. I ran into the woods. Atleast he wouldn't be able to follow me into here. While running I pulled his phone out of my pocket and threw it at a tree as hard as I could. It cracked and fell onto the ground, leaves covering it. I kept running until I came upon a house. I saw a few antlers near the front. A girl with brown hair entered the house, but not before glancing at me. I froze, like a deer in headlights.

Atlas started barking and I turned around to shush him, but was soon greeted with a rag pushed upon my face. Atlas barked wildly while I struggled. Fumes from the rag invaded my nose and I was becoming drowsy. I was pushed onto the ground, not able to stand up. My vision was slowly blurring. I saw an older man and the same brunette girl looming over me.

"Are you going to kill her?" The nervous, quiet voice of the girl filled my ears.

"No," The man responded, "Someone wants me to keep her here until he picks her up."

That's the last thing I heard before I gave into my drowsiness.

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