𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟺 - 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙵𝚘𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚝

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Once he was done he laid beside me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him. He played with my hair until he fell asleep.

I was so tired that I fell asleep, much later waking up to the sun shining upon my face. I blinked a few times so my eyes could adjust. Will was still asleep. I had second thoughts about them claiming to know me. I saw no proof. What if the dates on Hannibal's phone was set up? Like a photoshopped picture?

How could I had let myself allow Will to do what he did last night. It was amazing... but still!

I quietly pulled out of Will's hold and made my way to the door. To my luck, the dogs didn't bark at me. As soon as I was at the door I turned the knob as quietly as I could, opened it, closed it slowly, then crept away from the house until I was far enough to run.

I ran as fast as my legs could take me. once or twice I would trip or run into a branch. I heard a voice yell my name and I knew that it was Will. I was quite a distance away from the house but Will was probably faster than me. My heart was beating so hard I was afraid it would explode.

After a few hours of running and looking over my shoulder, I saw a house in the distance and a dark haired woman walking out and to a car. I ran towards her, hoping that she could help me. She saw me running to her, she became tense until she saw my fearful expression.

"I just escaped from being kidnapped! Please help me!" I begged her.

She exclaimed, "Come with me, sweetie. I work with the FBI."

Who was this woman? She was about to open the door to the car until an accented voice told the woman to stop. I knew who that accent belong to. My heart skipped a beat and I cowarded behind the brunette lady.

"Are they causing you trouble, Alana?" Hannibal asked the woman.

"None at all, I'm bringing them to the police— wait... do you know them?" The woman, Alana, asked.

"Yes, they're my patient." Hannibal explained.

He walked towards us and my breathing quickened. Shit! I was so close to escaping! Maybe this woman could still help me? Wait, this felt like one of those Wattpad stories I would read when I was younger. Maybe if I act as if I was in one I'd make out of this alive...

"He's lying." I told Alana.

"They need their medication," More lies from that him.

"That man, along with another named Will, kidnapped me!" I defended myself.

"Will? Will Graham?" Alana's eyebrows knitted in disbelief.

"I don't know... brown, curly hair, has a million dogs—"

"That's him..." Alana stared at me in doubt, "Will wouldn't do such a thing."

"He did!"

"Come along, dear," Hannibal put his arm around my waist and attempted to bring me into the building, "time to take your pills."

I'm not some old grandpapi! We all heard someone panting and running towards us. I looked at who it was and saw Will. Great... two against one was unfair. And the lady didn't believe me! Admit defeat or continue to persist?

"Do you know this person, Will?" Alana asked him.

"Yes... they're my cousin." He answered.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I exclaimed.

  I thought they said I was in a relationship with both of them? Now I'm a patient to one and a cousin to the other?! I was so fucking confused I just stood there dumbfounded. What the heck was going on?! I stopped trying to figure anything out and did the only reasonable thing to do when you were panicking.

I elbowed Hannibal in the stomach and broke into a run. If Alana wouldn't help me, I'd have to find someone else. Where the hell is the police station? Will was hot on my trail and gaining on me by the second. He was just as tired as I was, if not more.

    He tackled me to the ground, his weight crushing me. He dragged me to my feet and slung me over his shoulder. Alana had already left once Hannibal convinced her enough that I was a deluded patient.

Deluded? Yes. Patient? No.

  I was brought into the house Hannibal was at and entered through the back door. I was flailing like a fucking floppy fish, trying to get off of Will. Once we were in the house I gave one last kick to Will in the chest, knocking the wind out of him. He doubled over and fell, dropping me. My head made contact with the ground and I yelped in pain. Oh, the sorrows.

    We were in the kitchen, and to my luck there were knives on one of the counters. I stood up and grabbed one of the knives, a painful headache soon erupting in my head. Hannibal entered the kitchen with a small syringe in his hand.

You've got to be kidding me...

"I admire your feistiness and courage to try and take on both of us," Hannibal smirked, "but this will only end with you losing."

"I don't know you people!" I shouted at them, "you're just lying to me!"

    I threw the knife at Hannibal but he dodge it. He picked one up from the floor, it was small but would still cause a great deal of pain if used correctly and efficiently. He threw the knife and it punctured my thigh. I gasped in pain and Hannibal took that moment, of me being defenseless, and advanced towards me.

   Before I knew it, Hannibal pricked my neck with a syringe out of no where and I started becoming weaker.

What in the Wattpad was going on?!

"It didn't have to come to this."

  Hannibal pulled the knife out of my thigh and I grunted in pain, my body slowly became numb from whatever he drugged me with. Anesthesia? Chloroform? A form of sedative? I had no idea, but the pain in my leg was lessening as the area around it became numb.

  I saw Will stand up from the corner of my eye and leave the room. Hannibal picked me up bridal style and brought me into a room that had an operation table and medical equipment covering the room. Once he placed me on the table I blacked out.

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