𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟾 - 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚢 𝚗𝚘𝚜𝚎

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He didn't hear my question since he was already out of the kitchen. Should I go back into that lion's den? I probably should go back in there. I left the kitchen. Hannibal was sitting next to Chilton and there was a vacant chair next to Will. Someone must have brought it in.

"May I be excused for a moment?" I asked, "I'd rather not stay in my sleep wear all day."

"Go ahead," Will said.

I walked out of the room, as soon as I was out of sight I ran. Chilton better not follow me. I reached my room safely and locked the door. I changed quickly into some casual clothes Hannibal got me and headed back downstairs. I rushed out of my room but collided into someone. Without a second thought, I swung my arm and my fist made contact with the unannounced person.

Of course, it was Chilton. I punched him right on the nose and he was taken aback by my actions as he staggered a bit. Holding onto his nose which was bleeding a bit.

"Ack!" He exclaimed in pain, "What the hell?!"

A smug grin made it's way onto my face. That's what you deserve you motherfucker.

"First off, you're not getting an apology for that," I said, "Second, how the heck do you know where my room is? And third, leave me alone or I will cause you serious pain!"

With one more flash of a smile, I made my way out of the hall and down the stairs. I tried to stop smiling but it was difficult. Only Hannibal and Will noticed my strange behavior, Jack was too focused on whatever he was talking about. I took Chilton's seat, next to Hannibal. Chilton walked back into the room, dabbing his nose with a tissue. Will choked on his drink, attempting to suppress the laugh threatening to leave his mouth.

"Oh dear, Chilton," I faked concern, "What happened?"

Hannibal raised a brown in amusement, he obviously knew I did something. Will was about to lose it.

"I tripped and hit the door."

"Well, aren't you graceful," I mumbled, only Will was able to hear that time.

Will started laughing, quickly excusing himself from the room. Jack was all around confused.

"I'll be taking my leave now," Chilton said, calmly, before leaving the room.

"I should go as well," Jack stood up, "It was great meeting you, (y/n)."

Jack left and now it was just the four of us, including Atlas. Will was back in the room.

"You have some dark humor, Will," I shook my head in amusement.

"He didn't seriously make out with the door, right?"

"I punched him."

"I've been wanting to punch him for years!" Will exclaimed.

A moment of silence lingered in the room before I spoke up. The questions were filling my head and I couldn't leave them unanswered.

"Who was that woman?"

Will and Hannibal exchanged looks, probably deciding whether to tell me who she was or not.

"She worked with the FBI," Will explained.

"Why did you kill her?"

"She was sticking her nose in things that didn't concern her."

"But if she was in the FBI... wouldn't she be on a case?" I persisted, "What case is she trying to solve? My abduction?"

"No," Hannibal started collecting the glass cups, "You are presumed dead."


The news hit me hard. Dead? Is that why no ones looking for me? Because they think I'm dead?! Then if that lady was not looking for me... what was she trying to find?

"What was her case?"


"What was her case?" I asked, louder.

"Some information is too much for people." Will stated.

"Too much?!"

"I think it would be better if you went to your room now," Hannibal suggested.

"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me!"

"Fine," Will muttered.


"No, Hannibal. If she wants to know," Will raised his voice, "Then we'll show her!"

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