𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟻 - 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝 (editing)

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Will left the door open and Atlas ran out and downstairs. I heard Will gasp in surprise and I snickered in amusement. Will and Hannibal seemed to be giving me more freedom around the house. I was now allowed to roam around, just not step foot out of the house without supervision. Much like a toddler.

   I left my room and quietly walked downstairs. There was an odd smell coming from a door on the first floor. My curiousity got the better of me and I made my way over to the strange smell. I was now face to face with a wooden door that was slightly ajar. I opened the door and the wretched smell filled my nostrils. The smell was quite familier.


   I knew Hannibal and Will were crazy... but just how crazy were they? I decided not to venture any further and left the door how I found it. I headed back to my room and contemplated whether I should go back to the door or not. Maybe it would be best to do that when they left.

The day went by like normal. As normal as someone's day with yanderes could be. I laid in bed with my eyes wide open, Atlas sleeping at my feet. My head was rushing with thoughts about the door that smelled of blood. Fresh blood. Maybe I was overreacting. Maybe they just stored meat down there. But it wouldn't surprise me if a bunch of dead bodies were in there too. I've been surprised so much that not much surprised me anymore... if that makes any sense.

   After a few hours of tossing and turning I finally fell into a deep sleep. Atlas barking in my face awoke me from my slumber.

"Atlas!" I scolded the puppy.

  He just responded with a bark and tried pulling the blankets off of my tired form. Groaning in annoyance I played tug-of-war with the pup.

"It's too early for this," I gave up and rolled over and looked at a clock on the wall. (Editing progress)

Shit. How the heck did I sleep until 3 pm?! I jumped out of bed and was about to open the door until Atlas let out a low growl. Could one of them be at the door? My heart started racing. I picked up Atlas, his teeth still bare for whoever was at the other end of the door. I opened the door, hoping the beating of my heart wasn't loud enough to be heard by someone.

But once I opened the door I noticed two things. One, no one was on the other side of the door. Two, the house was deathly quiet. I peeked into the hall and saw it empty as well. Then why would Atlas be growling? Surely Hannibal and Will were not gone. My heart beat like crazy.

  Atlas was silent, ears perked and not moving in my arms. I walked into the hall, my feet not making any sounds. I stopped once I heard someone's shoes tapping on the floor, more light a tip-toe then a tap. Was there an intruder? I really hope it isn't that sick bastard, Chilton.

   I made my way downstairs. I was at the bottom of the steps when I saw a shadow in the corner of my eye. I turned my head to the right and saw a woman, with black hair, slowly heading towards the door that lead to the blood smelling room.

  My eyes widened once I saw a gun in her hands. Would she be able to help me? Or was she a burglar? I followed her from a safe distance. To my surprise, Atlas was still silent and hadn't even twitched. I was afraid he would bark or something and the woman would shoot him or me.

  She entered the room and immediently started going down some stairs. A basement. I followed her down the stairs, the smell of blood getting stronger, until she was in the basement and started exploring. At least I didn't have to venture to the basements alone. What would happen if Hannibal or Will caught her? Wind up captive like me or... death?

   I hid in the corner of the basement, close to the stairs that lead to upstairs. Atlas growled, getting the woman's attention. But he wasn't growling at her... no. He was growling at Hannibal who stood at the foot of the steps, staring at the woman through multiple plastic strips hanging from the ceiling.

    The woman pointed her gun at him. I don't know why she was hesitating. What was she waiting for? The right moment? Will appeared behind Hannibal. Atlas saw him and ran full speed towards him, giving away my hiding spot. Atlas bit at Will's pants but he just gently pushed him aside, he dropped a doggy treat on the floor and Atlas stopped fighting Will. Traitor.

   Before I could wrap my mind around what was about to happen, Hannibal turned the lights off which caused chaos to erupt. Gunshots echoed throughout the entire basement, causing my ears to ring. Atlas was scared and attempted to find me. I tried making my way to the stairs but ran into someone's chest. Strong arms wrapped around me and I knew it was Will. I let out a shriek in shock and struggled to get out of his iron like grip. He clamped a hand over my mouth and sat down behind a box with me in his lap.

    Two more gunshots fired, one so close to my ear that the ringing became louder and one that quite possibly hit Atlas, for I heard him yelp then whimper above the loud ringing in my ears.

"Atlas!?" I screamed but it came out muffled due to the hand over my mouth.

I stopped struggling, realizing that I wasn't strong enough and stopped moving. Will loosened his grip on me but kept his hand over my mouth. Tears were streaming down my face. I was extremely overwhelmed. I could barely hear anything because the shot caused my ears to ring loudly, Atlas might be dead, and I don't know what's going on because it's pitch black!

I felt something soft come onto my lap and I almost cried out in joy. It was Atlas! But something was wrong... His small body was trembling and I could feel liquid on his back. He was bleeding! The dog was doing the same thing I was trembling, but for different reasons.

A moment of silence went by until Will gingerly slid me off his lap and left me in the corner of the basement. I laid on the ground, holding Atlas close to my chest as I continued to quietly sob in fear and pain. The lights came back on and it took my eyes a few seconds to adjust before I saw Hannibal and Will towering over me. Concern and guilt plastered on their faces. That's an expression I'd often see them with.


Long chapter because it took me awhile to come out with a new one! Updates will be slower since I'll only being using a computer from now on. Some words will most likely be spelled incorrectly since it doesn't have auto-correct.

Thx for reading!

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