𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟶 - 𝙾𝚞𝚝𝚜𝚒𝚍𝚎 & 𝙾𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜

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     Atlas squirmed in Will's arms, eventually Will put him down. I guess the dog whisperer had met his match. I watched Hannibal as he cut up some fruit. He tossed a piece in the air and caught it with the knife, slicing it into the middle. He smiled and I did as well. What-?! No! I shouldn't be smiling! They're my captors for heaven's sake, not my friends!

Besties don't kidnap their besties.

   Hannibal placed some of the fruit in a bowl and slid it over to me, I reluctantly ate it, feeling Hannibal's eyes on me. He was probably making sure that I ate the food, not wanting to see me starve myself.

  While Will was focused on the puppy, Hannibal was focused on a different kind of pet. It felt like when you were watching TV and even though what you're watching isn't bad you still feel extremely awkward with them watching.

"Is there something you would like to do today?" Hannibal asked me.

"What am I supposed to do with two crazy psychopaths?" I mumbled.

"What am I supposed to do with two crazy psychopaths?" I mumbled

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"Psychopaths are not crazy." Hannibal said to me, sternly.

  I kept my eyes on my food, knowing I struck a chord with him and should probably not edge him on, though I would have done that before.

"I'd like to go outside," I said after a moment of awkward silence.

"Under supervision you may." Hannibal responded.

I slowly nodded and watched as Will left the house after saying he had to attend work. I followed Hannibal outside, the cold air giving me goosebumps. Atlas ran outside after me, once he saw that I was okay he went to play in the leaves. Making sure that he was still able to see me where he was.

   I looked at my surroundings, taking in the only time I would be allowed outside as far as I knew

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   I looked at my surroundings, taking in the only time I would be allowed outside as far as I knew. I checked out the area, seeing what possible ways I could escape. After a few minutes, Hannibal told me I had to come inside, and that there was something he wanted to discuss with me. I was nervous, of course.

   Atlas followed behind me as I entered the house. Hannibal sat on a chair in the living room and I sat on the couch across from him. Atlas hopped onto my lap and dozed off. I gently pet him to calm myself down. He was like an emotional support animal.

"I am going to be quite blunt with you." Hannibal said, softly. "Tonight we have guests coming over for dinner. I want you on your best behavior. You will listen to these rules or there will be consequences."

   I nodded, soaking in every word he spoke. Hopefully his guests would realize something was wrong. Unless he manipulates them like he did to that woman the other day. I wouldn't put it beneath him.

"I don't want you speaking to them unless spoken to," He started telling me the rules, "I don't want you alone in a room with one of them. Don't try to get them to help you. And do exactly as we tell you to do. Do I make myself clear?"

    I just nodded in response. What more could I say? They had me like a dog on a leash, no offense to Atlas. And Will literally had me like a dog on a leash the other day!

Hannibal stood up and walked over to me, he extended his hand and I took it with hesitation. He brought me upstairs back to my room, Atlas trailing behind us, and showed me the closet. He pulled out an outfit and placed it on the bed.

"You'll be wearing this tonight." He told me.

(Multiple to choose from

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(Multiple to choose from. This gif was from when the reader was not out as genderneutral, change to suit or whatever, If you don't like any then make up one in your head)

I gawked at the outfit. I would be wearing such a fine thing? Hannibal got out a jewelry box and put it right beside the outfit. Allowing me to style myself however I pleased. He left with a curt goodbye. Great.

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