𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟿 - 𝙱𝚛𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚑

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He laid down on the bed with me resting on his chest, Massaging my head as I heard his heartbeat.

"See? I'm not as feral as Will." Hannibal joked, his chest rumbling when he chuckled.

I soon fell asleep after becoming too relaxed. I awoke to find myself in darkness, the moonlight coming from the window helped me to see the outline of shapes and figures.

  I didn't move and felt like something was wrong. Hannibal was still with me, I knew that, but more breathing could be heard. I stopped breathing for a bit and heard the soft panting from the puppy. He was at the end of the bed. And I heard breathing from the other side of me.

   I could only assume the other person was Will. Of course they both tried sleeping in the same bed with me! Tricky bastards.

   I quietly got out of the bed and headed towards the bathroom, the puppy following behind me. I really needed to name him. Maybe something bold or fierce, he seemed like a protective dog- er... puppy. Though he would end up being a more lovable, bigger ball of floof.

  I stared at my reflection and sighed. Getting those men to trust me was going to be hard. Setting boundaries would be the first step. But I wouldn't mind if they did overstep their boundaries, I smirked at myself but followed with a smack to my face as I scolded my dirty mind.

Get your head in the game! This is not some Wattpad story!

I looked at the puppy, strangely feeling deja vu again... Atlanta. Something about Atlanta. Did I just remember something? Did this pup help me get a piece of memory back? I shouldn't say anything to Hannibal or Will. I would have to keep this to myself. Not like the doggy could snitch on me anyway. I looked back at the dog and smiled.

I guess I found out what to name you.

  Perhaps it'll help... constantly hearing the word. Hannibal was smart so I had to not be obvious.

"I'll name you Atlas." I whispered to the Floofy golden pup.

I left the bathroom after a few minutes and stared at the two men that were sprawled upon the bed. Like hell I'd get back into there. I quietly grabbed a pillow from the bed and positioned myself to sleep at the floor close to the bed. Hoping to get some amount of sleep before the long day tomorrow.

   I fell asleep but heard some noise and me being lift off the ground and onto a mattress. I was too tired to protest or do anything and so I just slept.

      Atlas woke me up as he nipped and licked me. I shot up, remembering that I was placed onto the bed while I was asleep... or half asleep. No men to be seen. I looked at the clock which read 10:26 AM. Damnit. I jumped off the bed and walked over to the door that led to the hall.

   I opened the door and headed straight to the kitchen. Atlas ran ahead of me and into the kitchen. He wanted to make sure the area was safe but he actually revealed to the people in the kitchen that I was coming. Woohoo. No surprises.

"Since you woke up quite late we decided to have brunch," Hannibal's voice could be heard as I neared the kitchen.

   I made my way to the same seat I sat in the other day, Atlas lying at the foot of the chair.

"Does he have a name yet or are we going to keep calling him puppy?" Will asked me, a playful smirk on his face.

   This felt weird. They were acting like I was family or something. Too casual. Too... not dangerous.

"I was thinking of calling him Atlas." I told him.

"I like it," Will picked up Atlas, "Hello, Atlas!"

    Definitely too family like. Atlas squirmed in Will's arms, eventually Will put him down. Guess the dog whisperer had met his match. I watched Hannibal as he cut up some fruit. He tossed a piece in the air and caught it with the knife, slicing it into the middle. He smiled and I did as well. What-?! No! I shouldn't be smiling! They're my captors for heaven's sake, not my friends!

Besties don't kidnap their besties.

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