𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟾 - 𝙲𝚊𝚕𝚖

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I lingered in the hall for a bit, thinking if escaping now would work. I didn't know the layout of this house and would probably get lost, trapped, and then punished for my attempt at escaping.

For now I would have to put up with all of this. Perhaps even get Hannibal and Will to trust me... then escape. Hopefully not get Stockholms syndrome.

I walked down the stairs and found the kitchen by listening for any sounds. I walked into the kitchen, hesitating every time I took a step closer. My thigh, which was still healing, had a mild pain every time I moved my leg. Luckily it wasn't unbearable and I was able to ignored it.

As soon as I got to the entrance of the kitchen my nostrils were filled with a savory sent of whatever was being cooked. The puppy began to squirm in my arms which caught the attention of Will and Hannibal. I set him down and he scurried towards Hannibal.

The only reason the pup was going to him was because he had food. Other then that he wasn't fond of either of the men.

"You may take a seat over there." Hannibal gestured to a tall chair by the island.

Hannibal placed a white plate with eggs and meat on it. The meat couldn't be sausage because it looked nothing like it! I could tell if meat tasted off. I reluctantly ate the food placed before me. The food possibly being drugged was no longer my worry.

I looked down at my plate and started having deja vu. I remembered something... something bad. My heartbeat increased, as did my breathing. Something was off. I remembered something about not liking food, the food set before me looked like the one in my lost memories. A someone slapped me that day... it was because I failed one of my online presentations. Lots of yelling. But the someone didn't resemble either of them, it was someone different.

Hannibal and Will noticed me staring at my food, completely spaced out. I didn't notice the tear that slid down my face. My breathing got worse as I remembered more of me being abused by someone because I failed at something else. I kept telling myself it wasn't my fault. I had nothing to do with it. Those were things I endlessly told myself during that time.

A hand pressed on the sides of my neck. Not like a choking way, more of a pressure point. Hannibal's thumb pressed one side of my neck and his pointer and index pressed the other side. I suddenly felt calm and leaned back onto Hannibal's chest. (I made up the pressure-point-calming-thing. Don't try this at home kids! 😂)

"It's time to calm down, my dear," Hannibal whispered into my ear. A chill went down my spine.

I felt extremely calm and relaxed. The puppy was clawing at Hannibal's legs, attempting to protect me. I was picked up by Hannibal and brought back to my room. He laid down on the bed with me resting on his chest, Massaging my head and rubbing my back as I listened to his steady heartbeat.

"See? I'm not as feral as Will." Hannibal joked, his chest rumbling when he chuckled.

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