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"You will be living here and sometimes at Hannibal's house." Will told me, "That is what we used to do."

    Strangely, I liked these two men. Hopefully I could regain my lost memories. would that help in getting back my memory? If I learned to like them?


  That's Stockholm syndrome. But they said they didn't kidnap me? So then I should be fine. But they could also just be lying to me. What's to believe anymore.

Believe sexy men... NO INNER! VOICE GO AWAY!

"Tomorrow you'll stay with him, tonight with me," Will continued.

Hannibal soon left and I was left with Will, I wouldn't say left alone with him because the dogs were here and took up a third of the room. Luckily they were still all in the other room. Will got up and I stayed on standing. I was soon called to follow him.

"You are very demanding," I mumbled.

He lead me to the bed and I sat on it. Will pushed me farther onto the bed until I was in the middle. He pulled his shirt off before he climbed onto the bed and over top of me, trapping me inbetween his arms, gazing into my eyes with predatory lust. His gaze sent shivers up and down my spine.

"Are you okay with this?" He asked, even though he was already hovering over me.

Gotta love a sexy man who asks for consent. Especially one who you suspect is responsible for either kidnapping, causing my amnesia, or both. Both, both is good.


"I'm not going to take this too far," he leaned into me and whispered the last part into my ear, his lips brushing against my jaw as they made it towards my ear, "Hannibal and I agreed to savor your... purity."

Purity? Fuck my purity. Is he telling me I'm a virgin? Even in those two years they said I was with them for? How could I have agreed to that?! How could I NOT have sex with them? This keeps getting weirder and I'm starting to believe this is a cult.

"Stay Still."

Will trailed his hand down my side and to my leg. He started kissing me roughly, trailing his kisses down my jawline and to my neck. He was now nipping and kissing. I was slightly aroused by this dominance. Though I wouldn't like to admit it.

He growls, pinning my arms down and holding them in place, "I said to be still..." He kissed me harder, "there you go, that's better..."

I was rendered frozen by his touch, gazing into his soft yet lust filled eyes. Will moved down towards my neck, biting down harder and harder, I made noises but didn't tell him to stop. Hickeys and love bites soon we're scattered across my skin.

He found the soft spot on my neck and began kissing and sucking there, I emitted soft moans even though I tried to be quiet. He lets out a soft growl as he hears my moans, pleased by my reactions and encouraging him to go on.

He pressed his body against mine, putting most of his weight on me. I gasped, allowing Will to kiss me deeply, his tongue finding its way to my mouth. Will held my jaw and lifted it while tilting to the side, trailing kisses down my jaw to my collarbone. His other hand moved down to my thigh as he grabbed it, his knee sliding up my legs, spreading them a part.

Will pulled away for a breather and to admire me. His hand still holding my jaw, he moved it to under my chin so he could lift my face up to look at him.

"You're stunning," His voice was a little shaky.

Once he was done he laid beside me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close to him. He played with my hair until he fell asleep as I was trapped in his comforting yet strong arms.

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