𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟼 - 𝙵𝚘𝚘𝚍

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"I can help you deal with those emotions."

"By doing what? Having sex with you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No, no." He chuckled, "I'm a psychiatrist."

   I gave him a doubtful Face. But I was surprised to find out that he actually was one.

Perhaps that was why he was good at tricking that woman to think I was just some patient off her meds. People thought he was extremely knowledgeable and his manipulative tactics were often overlooked. Hannibal walked over to me and I tensed up.

"Don't worry," he said as he helped me off the operational table, "I'm not as feral as our dear Will."

    I didn't believe him. Once I got off the table I realized how tall he was, probably six feet. Hot damn.

   He put a hand on my back and guided me out of the room. I didn't really have a choice whether to follow him or not, he wouldn't give me a second choice either.

  I smelled something good cooking somewhere and inhaled the savory scent.

"Will is helping me cook dinner," Hannibal lead me upstairs and through a hall, "He doesn't do it often when he is over here, but he was quite insistent so I allowed him."

    Dinner? How long was I unconscious? Hannibal brought me to a bedroom and guided me inside. Why wasn't he leading me to the kitchen?

"This is where you'll be staying while at my house."

    As soon as I was in the middle of the room Hannibal left and closed the door. I heard him walk away and down the hall. I switched on the lights for the room and looked around.

  It had a nice vintage look to it, even toBough I wasn't quite fond of the colours

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  It had a nice vintage look to it, even to
Bough I wasn't quite fond of the colours. There was a window but it was too high up for me to escape through and it had medal bars to make sure no one could get in or out.

Just my luck.

"Well isn't this great," I groaned.

   After I explored the room, finding a large bathroom and closet, I sat on a chair and waited for something to happen. Anything. But for awhile it was just sitting and attempting to occupy myself while I tried to come up with a plan to escape.

   Surely it had been an hour before I heard a light knock on wood and looked over to see Will enter into the bedroom after unlocking the door.

"I brought you food." He said.

    He walked over to me and placed a tray of food onto the small table in front of me. The food looked amazing but I was quite skeptical because it could be drugged. Will knew what I was thinking and lightly chuckled, his smiled returning to his face like it did the first morning.

"We have no reason to drug you," He planted a kiss on my forehead.

"Nuh uh."

"The fuck you mean Nuh uh?" Will raised a brow.

"You drugged me after YOU stabbed me."

"I didn't do that," Will scoffed, "Hannibal did."

    With hesitation, I reached for the food and placed it on my lap. I slowly ate the food but ended up wolfing it down due to the hunger I was feeling. Will looked pleased and left the room, locking it once more.

What wonderful room service.

    After I finished eating the door to the bedroom opened again and Hannibal walked towards me. His elegance radiating off him so much I had to look away.


♡︎ Short chapter, sorry. The next one will be long, though! ♡︎

   ♡︎ I created a new book and I would love if you guys checked it out! ♡︎

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