𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟺 - 𝚏𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚏𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜

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   I wanted to kill the man with every fiber of my being! How dare he kill Atlas! I felt unstable without that loyal pup. A day passed by. I made a little grave for him in the backyard. Today Hannibal and Will were going to take me to the grocery store with them after they ran an errand.

   I was sitting in the car, bored out of mind until Will got on the phone. He exchanged a sadistic smirk with Hannibal and the car started speeding. I gasped at the sudden speed. We came upon a house, it was the same house Atlas was killed. I was filled with rage. Why the hell would they bring me here?! Of all places! Will handed me a cold piece of medal. It was a black gun

"Wha-... what do I need this for?" I looked at him in confusion.

"You need to face your fears, (y/n)," Hannibal responded.

   They both got out of the car quickly, a police car showed up. I got out of the car, reluctantly letting Will and Hannibal bring me to the house. Why are the police here? A woman stumbled out of the house, a large slash around her neck. She was bleeding out. Instincts took over me, I rushed over to the woman and checked her pulse. Gone. She must be the... mother.

"Gone," I mumbled before going to the door.

   Locked, damnit. I kicked the door open with force. In such a way that the door immediantly broke open. That felt familier. I quietly walked into the house, my gun rasied to eye level. Will and Hannibal following behind me. Taking the lead... doing this felt familier as well. Was I an officer? I don't know.

I was now in the kitchen. The same man that killed Atlas was standing across from me. He held a knife against his daughter's throat, ready to slit it at any moment. That daughter was kind to me, while the father wasn't.

"Let her go," I ordered.

    In a heartbeat, he slashed his daughter's throat. She fell to the floor, and before I knew it was firing at him.

"This is for the pain!" I yelled.

One shot.

"This is for killing your family!" I kept moving towards him, rage and sorrow overwhelming me.

Two shots.

"And this..." I started to tear up, "This is for the friend I'll never get back! This is for Atlas!"

Three shots.

    We both collapsed onto the floor, me from being close to passing out, and him from... death. Will struggled to save the girl, blood spilling out of her neck, luckily Hannibal rushed over to save her. I was on the floor, emotionless. Killing him didn't make me feel better. I felt nothing. I guess revenge isn't all it's cracked up to be. What a shame. What a damn shame. Police came in, and about time they did. I saw two familier faces enter; Jack and Alana. Alana came to me first and helped me up.

"What happened?" She asked, "Are you okay?"

"I killed him." That's all I could say.

   She nodded her head in understanding, then lead me outside for some fresh air. The blood from the house was clouding my mind. An ambulance could be heard approaching.

"What happened?"

"That bastard abused me," I confessed, "And he killed Atlas!"

"...Abused you?"


"Let's go." She said after taking a few glances at Will and Hannibal who exited the house.

    Will noticed first that Alana was leading me to her car. He ran over frantically, Hannibal following but in a calm manner.

"Where are you taking them?" Will's eyebrows knitted in worry.

"I'm her guardian now," she stated, "You are both unfit to have (y/n) in your homes."

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