𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟹 - 𝚌𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚗

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Hannibal placed me on my bed and I soon dozed off. Happy to escape from reality. Especially To have that short time where I couldn't remember Chilton or the vile thing he did. Just dreams.

When I woke up I didn't feel refreshed or well rested. I felt disgusting and vulnerable. I kept reliving the moments of yesterday. Thinking about other things the past days kept my mind off of what happened. Hannibal and Will knew me, I just had to find out how they knew me and what happened to my friends.

    The urge to cleanse myself distracted me from thinking about the men. It still felt like Chilton's hands were touching me. Hannibal and Will were no where in sight, but Atlas was sleeping beside me peacefully. I didn't want to wake him up and so I quietly got off the bed and headed to the shower. I made sure to lock the door just in case.

     I stripped my clothes off and stepped into the shower stall. The wall was transparent but soon the steam from the hot water fogged it. To my luck there was packaged soap and an unused loofah. I unwrapped both of them and scrubbed my skin until it was raw.

  Love bites were littered all over my collarbone and neck. They were something that couldn't just be washed away. In time they would heal.

I heard Atlas whining and scratching the bathroom door, which startled me. I finished up in the shower and turned it off. Quickly drying myself off and putting my clothes back on so that I could go to Atlas. He stopped whimpering once I opened the door. I crouched to the floor and played with him.

  I only played with him for a few seconds before I saw someone sitting on a chair from the corner of my eye. I turned my attention to him. Will. Concern and grief was plastered over his face, there was a hint of anger in his eyes... whether it was towards me or Chilton I couldn't tell. I could smell alcohol coming from Will, he looked pretty tired as well.

"I would've come sooner if I knew," Will said in regret.

"I would've come sooner if I knew," Will said in regret

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"It's not your fault," I muttered.

"No! If I was there it wouldn't have happened," He persisted.

"Don't beat yourself up over it."

"That miserable bastard will pay for what he did!" He stood up, walked over to me, and gave me a bear hug, the smell of alcohol was much stronger, mixed with his cologne.

"Calm down." I said to the drunk man.

Will broke the embrace, I left my room with him and headed downstairs. Atlas went ahead of me to look out for any danger. He was so adorable.

I walked into the kitchen and sat at where I was last time, at the counter. Atlas searched for his doggy bowls and found them in no time, new food and water freshly filled. I probably should be stocking the dogs food, he is mine isn't he?

Someone touched my shoulder and I flinched so hard I hit the counter with my arms. A colorful array of curses flooding my mind. It was just Hannibal. He, too, looked concern. But that was the only emotion I could see. His mask was on but he was slipping.

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