Little Black Dress

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Crawford P.O.V.
I was laying on Ro's bed watching the Lion King while Ro was cuddle up against me. I stroked her hair, and realized she was asleep.
After about ten minutes Andrea came out of the shower in her pajamas and sat on the couch staring at me.
"What?" I asked, not looking towards her.
"I can't go to bed until you leave, Little Collins." She pointed out.
"Sorry, but Ros asleep, I don't want to wake her. Also, Matthew and Ricky are having a party in my room. Can I stay, pleaaaasssseee?" I gave her pitiful puppy eyes.
She sighed, "fine, but at 12, you're out." I nodded in agreement.
"Wait, where's Connor then?"
"Andrea, I don't know. Can I please watch my movie now? This is the part where timone dresses in drag." I grinned.
"Yup, I was right, you haven't matured, you just fell in love." She said matter of factly as she got comfortable on the couch.
"Well, look at her. How could anyone not?" I replied, looking down at Roselynn, causing me to instantly smile.
Alys POV
Sam took me to ride bumper cars tonight and out to dinner. It was some of the most fun I've had in a long time. We just pulled back into the hotel Parking lot, I didn't want tonight to end. Sam was just about to get out when I grabbed his hand.
"Can... Can we just sit for a bit." I asked.
"I have a better idea Sam smirked. He got out of the truck and opened the back seat door pulling out pillows and blankets and he threw them in the bed of the truck. He came around and got me then helped me in. He climb up and made a pallet in the bed. We laid there for hours just watching the stars and feeling each other's presence.
"Alyssa?" Sam asked sitting up and letting go of my hand.
"Yeah Sammy?" I sat up while rejoining our hands.
"You know I would never do anything to hurt you or pressure you into doing something you wouldn't want right?" He asked nervously.
"Of course I know that, Sam."
" well, with that being said, will you please please, PLEASE be my girlfriend, Alyssa Bailey?" He asked and then immediately looking down.
I lifted his head back up and looked him in the eyes, "I would love to more than anything else in the world!"
A smile too big for his face grew on his lips. He suddenly leaned in and kissed me. It was a soft, tender kiss, full of passion and love.
"I love you Alyssa." He smiled pressing his forehead against mine.
I gave him a quick kiss back, "I love you too, Sammy." I knew for sure, he was the one I was going to spend the rest of my life with, and I couldn't be happier. We laid back down, and scooted closer to him and laid my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt safe and secure. Unlike any other guy I've ever been around, I didn't feel threatened or scared.
I lifted my head for a slight moment to look at Sammy, "I'm really glad Connor broke Roselynns arm." I said smiling then laying my head back down. Sam laughed. Gosh, his laugh was too die for.
"Me too Alyboo, me too." He replied quietly while rubbing his thumb in a circular motion on my arm.
After a while longer we decided to go inside. He walked me to my room then kissed me goodnight.

I checked the time before entering my room. It's only 11:30, Ro should be up still. I took down the hall to find Ros room instead of going into mine. Once I found it I knocked on the door. Andrea answered, "hey Aly what's up? Come on in."
"ROSELYNN, guess what!?" I yelled as I bounded in there, not even realizing she was sleeping or that Crawford was there. "Oh, sorry. Hey Little Collins." I quickly apologized.
"Please don't call me that! Now shhh. I'm watching toy story." Crawford informed me.
"You can wake Ro if you want. Crawfords leaving in 30min anyways so..." Andrea let me know.
"I'll just finish watching toy story with You and Little Collins." I paused a moment. "Oh, little Collins, when did you and Ro become a thing. I thought she's with Connor?" I added.
"They arent, but they should be, they act like it." Andrea replied.
"Why do you keep trying when you know she has a boyfriend anyway?" Andrea questioned him.
"Because, she's my happy ever after." He smiled real big.
"Awww" how sweet.
"Bleh!" Andrea replied, "you're so sappy little Collins."
We all laughed alittle until Andrea had pointed out it was time for Crawford to go.
"Rose, babe, I need you to get up. I have to go to sleep at some point to you know." He nudged her a few times. Ro then mumbled something into his chest that was barely audible.
"Come again?" Crawford laughed.
"You can just stay. Sleep here. I don't want to move." She mumbled again, this time we could hear her though.
"I can't Princess, this is Andreas bed, too. She can't go to sleep if I'm still here." He told her. Roselyn sat up, barely awake, with a major case of bed head.
"Bye, I'll see you tomorrow." Crawford said as he kissed her on the cheek and went to leave.
"Wait! Is Karisma here?" Ro asked.
"Probably, want me to go get a dress for you?" He offered.
"Yes please." Ro answered now fully awake.
"Oh no! Don't, bout that. Remember the stuff I bought everyone that I never gave to you?" Andrea said.
Ro nodded.
"Well, turns out I brought it with me. Your gift was a dress. I found it. Go try it on." She smiled, "it's by the sink.
Ro got up and gave Andrea a hug, "thank you, thank you, thank you!" She squealed as she ran to the bathroom. She still hasn't realized I was here.
"Okay, well I'm going to go now." Crawford announced.
"No wait! I'll walk out with you. Hang on." Ro yelled from the bathroom.
A few minutes later she stepped out as Kasey and Shawn stepped in.
"Oh my goodness, that dress is gorgeous." Kasey exclaimed as she and her brother stood in the door way. Roselynn blushed. It was a tight black dress, almost kneelength, covered in black sequins.
"Curl your hair, but some cute ankle boots and you're one hot chick." I smilled.
"Aly! You're here! How'd things go with Sam?" She asked me.
"Absolutely amazing! He asked me to be his girlfriend!" I squealed, jumping up to hug her.
"Took him long enough." Andrea laughed fist bumping me.
"I'm so happy for you Aly." Crawford said giving her a hug.
"By the way, I like it." Crawford said nodding towards Ro. Her whole face lit up as she spun around.
"Oh hey, you must be Shawn. I'm Ro." Ro said introducing herself as she skipped to the bathroom to get Ito some pajamas.
"I'm Aly." I introduced myself to both him and the girl.
"Kasey and this is my brother Shawn." She smiled.
"Nice to meet you." I said in return.
"Same to you. I just wanted to walk my baby sister to her hotel." Shawn said.
"You know I'm older than you." Kasey looked at him.
He laughed, "I gotta go, night guys." Shawn said. He then received a chorus of nights while exiting the room.
"Ro, I have to go now!" Crawford yelled.
"I'm coming I'm coming, chill little Collins." She said as she ran inhere.
"Bye, I'll see ya tomorrow, right?" She asked as she hugged him.
"Step outside with me right quick." She said and she followed. Andrea and I looked at each other and turned on greys anatomy.
Crawford POV
"I'll see ya tomorrow, right?" She asked as she hugged me.
"Step out side with me for a second." I said and she followed.
"I just want you uto know that no matter how many people you try to set me up with or point out, I'm not leaving. I'm going to wait for you. You probably think it's cheesy but I know for a fact you are my happy ever after." I said looking into her eyes.
"Crawford, it's really sweet, but you can't wait for me. You'll miss out on your whole life if you do." She kept trying to get me to take it back, what I said, but I wasn't going to, so I kissed her.

Roselyn POV
I was going on about how he should get a girlfriend and stuff when he leaned down an kissed me. It was a soft but firm kissed. My heart started racing, And my knees got weak. I should've pulled away, but I kissed him back. When He finally pulled away, I wanted more.
"I love you." He said as he walked off toward his room.

Life: A Beautiful Disaster (A O2L, Magcon fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz