The First Move?

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Roselynn P.O.V.
"Hey bæ, you were last here so you have to sit in the back." I smiled as soon as Crawford finally made it to the car, Lia shortly behind him.
"Roselynn, we can both sit up front." He replied.
"Not this time."
"Why not?" He asked crossing his arms. "Do you hate me now or something?" He teased.
"Actually yes, I can't stand you." I retorted.
"Oh, you love me. You can't deny it no matter how hard you try." He laughed pulling me into a playful hug. Part of me wishes he wouldn't let go... But he did.
"Maybe I love you... Maybe I don't. It's yet to be determined." I smirked. Still blocking the car door so he can't get in.
"Well, either way, I love you and you can't change that." He smiled. My body went numb and I didn't know what to say. I didn't know if he was just playing along or if he really meant it. He then pushed me over too the middle seat and got in without saying another word. Lia nudged me with her elbow and mouthed the words, '1st move made... Your turn.' Then she winked. I disregarded her comment and went to do my hair and make up before we reached the o2l house.
"What time does our flight leave?" I asked no one In particular as I dug our my hair and makeup supplies from my purse.
"1:00, we have to be there an hour early which means we will have to leave at 11:30, so in an hour." Crawford answered me.
"Wondeful, here hold this." I said giving Crawford my make up bag.
"Anything for you." he responded taking it. I just rolled my eyes as Lia giggled from the drivers seat.
"I'm hungrrryyy" I whined.
"Me too. You cool with stopping to eat Crawford?" Lia asked.
"Sure, but I have one request."
"What ?" I sighed.
"You two have to sing a song... With out the radio.... Please?" He asked.
Lia and I shared a smile and broke out into I'm a Barbie girl. We ended by busting Into uncontrollable laughter.
"Not exactly what I had in mind but ok. What's for lunch?" He laughed.
"We have an hour to get to the airport. It has to be kinda quick." Lia replied.
"My bag is at the guys' house still." Crawford reminded us.
"I'll call Connor and havehim bring it." I offered while pulling out my phone.
"I thought he wasn't talking to you??" Lia looked at me a little confused.
"Yeah, well, he canget over himself." I replied a little harsh. I heard Crawford snicker next to me.

"CONNIE!" I yelled into the phone once he answered.
"Hey, Roselynn. Can we talk?" He asked me.
"Maybe later. How 'bout on the plane?" I asked.
"Okay, sure. What did you call for?"
"Oh! Yeah, I almost forgot. Can you grab Crawfords bag, We are going to lunch then meeting y'all at the airport."
"Yeah, sure no problem. See ya then." he said beofre hanging up.

" Okay, we can go to lunch. Connor will get your bag for you." I informed while i reached for my concealer. I spent the rest of the car ride doing my hair and make up, the best I could with one hand. We arrived at some small burger shack just outside the airport around 11:30, which is about the time everyone else should be heading over. We had 30min to eat and get to security. After quickly scarfing down our food we grabbed our bags from Lias Rio and ran to security where we were suppossed to meet everyone else.

Life: A Beautiful Disaster (A O2L, Magcon fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz