The Tripple Cs

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Roselynn P.O.V.
Its Sunday morning and I am up getting dressed and ready to go to the O2L house. They said they had something to talk to us girls about. So, I got up and took a shower and while in the shower I thought about everything that has happened the last few days.

Its been a week since everybody moved into the house and 9 days since i met the guys. They have been the best days of my life to be honest. Except, I think Connor is trying to avoid me. He hasn't said a word to me in the last 3 days, I don't know why. Sam and Aly have been hanging out alot lately. By alot I mean almost 24/7. Anways, I met Lia at the begining of the week and she is super sweet and pretty. She's been hagning out with JC alot. I wonder if there is something going on. Things don't seem to be going to wel for Kian and Andrea. I don't know what's going on, but she seems to feel as if he doesn't really love her anymore. I know that's not true. He is so absolutely in love with her that it's rediculous. I think she's not in love with him anymore, but cares about him to much to break up, so she is trying to get him to break up with her. That's not going to happen, but I'll stay out of it. I got out and dried offf and went to do my hair when i glanced at my clock and realised I was running way late. I threw on whatever I could find and threw my hair in a bun with a click and left.

I arrived and walked in to see everyone was there already, and two guys I'e never seen before (but i could get used tp it. ;)) and i was 45minutes late... oops.
"Hey, guys, sorry I'm late... Car problems." I lied.
"I think it was lazy problems, Ro." Aly smirked.
"Aly, shut up. either way I'm here and I'm tired so let's get this going" I smiled trying to be nice. I am NOT a mornign person in any way.
"Oh, Ro. We got you up way too early today, didn't we?" Kian asked.
"Uhhh... ya think. Its 6am! On a Sunday! During break! I'm still in school remember! I like my breaks." I looked at him like that was the dumbest question he's ever asked. One of the guys I don't know, chuckled, " I tried to tell him this was Waayyyyy too early for us school goers. He wouldn't listen." he smiled. "I'm Christian, call me Chris and this is my lil bro Crawford." he introduced him and his brother.
"Hey, nice to meet you." I smilled looking their way. They were gorgeous.
"Yeah, you too" Crawford said.
"Questioned, whhy are The Tripples Cs here?" Andrea questioned.
"Tripple Cs?" I then questioned.
"uhhh yeah thats what they call Chris and I. Ya kknow, Chris and Crawford Collins, CCC, Tripple C." Crawford answered.
"Right, they are here because they are going with us tomorrow. It closer from our house than theirs to the airport, plus trips are just more fun with friends." Connor answered, trying to avoid eye contact in all ways possible. I don't know what his deal has been lately, but I'm getting tired of it. We all just looked at the guys waiting for someone to continue.
"So... there are nine of us and 5 of you, and we each get to bring a plus one... How would you like to go to MAGCON with us?"Sam glowed.
"YES!" all the girls squealed at once. The guys laughed while covering their ears.
"oaky, if y'all go you have to promise none of that." Chris continued laughing. The other guys nodded in agreement.
"I have a problem." Aly spoke up. "My parents are out of town for like the next 6months... don't ask. But I can't leave my sisters alone they will get in way too much trouble." She looked at the ground dissapointed.
"well bring them too" Sam smiled. "We have four tickets left still."
"Are you serious?'!" Aly was surprised.
"Yeah, I don't see why not, it'll be fine." Ricky answered. "Oh, just so everyone knows, sam's mom and little brother are coming with us." He added.
"Go pack girls! We leave tomorrow!" Crawford yelled, obviously excited.
"ummm, I've never been to one of these before I have no clue what to pack." I said. "Me niether" Aly agreed.
"well, Chris and Crawford are already packed, so Chris go with Jenn and Ali. Crawford go with Lia and Ro." Trevor replied like we should've known that already.
"Okay, well then let's go." Lia hopped off the counter and headed out the door.
I looked at Crawford, "I guess we should go before we get left."
"yeah." He laughed. "If I beat you there I get front,." HE smiled and took off,.
"NO! that's not fair I have and broken arm!" I yelled laughing.
"So your arm effects your running?" He yelled back from ahead of me.
"Yes, it does." I said as I reached the car. "Now out, I get front."
" No, I won." He replied.
" I will drag you out of that vehicle."
"Man, aren't we a sore loser?" He teased. I couldn't help but laugh.
"Guys, The middle console folds into a seat in my car." Lia lifted it up, "See?"
"oh." We both said as Crawford scooted to the middle and I sat down.
"so, waht did you do to your arm?" Crawford asked.
"what did you do?" Lia followed up curious, keeping both eyes on the road.
"well, I ran into Connor at the amussment park." I said sighing. Now I'm going to have to explain.
"You? What?" they both questioned.
"Long story short that's basically how me and COnnor met. HE broke my arm." I laughed. "And now he won't even look at me" I mummbled under my breath. "We are going to Lias first right?"
"Yeah, I already have a bag packed though so I'm just going to run in and grab it right quick." She replied.
"Wait, did you know?" I questoned.
"No, my parents had a bussiness trip this week that I was invited to go on but I'd rather go with you guys." She laughed.
"Oh, ok." I replied. "Would you guys mind if I go back to sleep until we get my house?" I asked exhausted.
"Not at all, go ahead." Crawford said understandably. I smiled as a thanks and within minutes I was out.

Life: A Beautiful Disaster (A O2L, Magcon fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz