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It's been a week since Kian and I have been together and things are better than ever, but I miss Crawford at times. Today we are leaving Georgia to head back to California for the next portion of the tour. It's been really fun seeing the boys interact with their fans. It's actually really adorable, they are all so sweet. We will be there for two and a half months rather than just one and a half like this time. Even though we live in California we are staying in the hotel with everyone else. The good thing about going back is I get to go to the doctor to see if I'm really pregnant.

"Oh Rosie!" Someone sing-songed, snapping me out of my thoguhts. I knew it was Ryan. He's the only one that calls me that besides Kian.

"Yes Ryan?" I sing-songed back.

"You know I love you right?" He smiled as he walked by, his arms full of equipment and bags.

"I love too, you're my favorite, don't tell Kian." I joked, grabbing some of the bags he was carrying.

He readjusted everything else he was carrying, Thanks."

I nodded slightly, "Anytime."

Ryan and I have gotten pretty close over these last few weeks. He reminds me alot of my brother who I don't get to see often.

"So where are you taking these?" I asked.

"The party bus I ordered."

"You ordered a party bus to take you to the airport because...?" I waited for an answer.

"Not me, us." He smiled.

"Us as in?" I questioned again.

He started listing people, "You, Kian, Cameron, Nash, Crawford, Chris, Sam, Aly, and I." He paused a moment to think, "Oh, then we are also picking Tyler up. He's going on the rest of the tour with us. He lives about 30 minutes away from here."

"I haven't met Tyler yet."

"He super nice. You'll love him." he stopped then added, "Welll, not more than me of course." He winked.

I laughed, "Well, how could I love anyone more than you?"

We were now at the party bus, so I put his bags in the back, gave him a hug and told him I would see him later. I have to go talk to Connor. I haven't had the chance all week. I decided I should check his room first.


"Hey Ro." he chirped once he opened the door.

"Hi Connie. You packing to leave?" I asked, walking in.

"Yeah, let me guess, you finally found time to talk about last week?"

I suspiciously looked at him, "how'd you know?"

Lucky guess..." He said in an annoyed tone. I sat on the bed and watched him pack.

"Can you just explain please?" I blurted out. "I mean, it's totally no big deal, but I just want to know why you gave me your number at the mall, why you invited me out here, why you asked me out. I just need to know why."

He stopped packing and sat down next to me, "Because you were pretty, outgoing, and you played lacrosse, I mean, if you were my type, how could I let someone like you slip away? I invited you out here because I enjoy having you around. Then a few days before we left, I realized I couldn't deny who I was anymore, after talking with Tyler on the phone. It scared me, honestly. I figured if I had a girlfriend, I wouldn't have to fac e the truth, it scared me." hr told me, tears forming in his eyes. "Then I got here and saw Joey again and now here we are. I never met to hurt you any way what so ever. But to be honest, it seemed like you wanted our relationship less than I did."

"This is sadly true and I'm so sorry. I think you should tell the guys when we get to CA though." I suggested. "That way I'm not the only one with news." I kind of mumbled.


"Ummm, yeah, I maybe pregnant again, but no one knows but Kian."

"Seriously? You would think you two would have learned from your mistakes. How'd Kian take it?" He asked.

"You would think right?" I rolled my eyes. "He was actually happy." I smiled.

"Well thats good, now last week when you said you had to stop him from trying to get your kid back?"

"Oh yeah, h e's still on that. I'm trying to talk him out of it. I'm not doing to well." my smile faded.

"And if I remember right from what Nash said, it's his little sister?" He questioned.

"Yup." I clarified.

"Well, this sucks."

I sighed, "youre tellin me."

"Well, I'll see ya in Cali." He said standing up and giving me a hug. "When do you get that stupid thing off again?"

"4 more months." I sighed looking down at my still casted arm.


"It wasn't entirely your fault. I gotta go finish packing. Bye Connie!" I waved as I hopped out the door.

Sorry to keep you guys waiting so long! I didn't realize people were still reading this!!!!
I just wanted to say I love you all so much! I am awful at keeping up with things and updating and tbh I don't even think this is very good but you guys are all still here!!!
The support is kinda overwhelming!
anyways, here's the update!
P.S. I will be going through and editing the story. I don't think they will be any major changes but I just need to fix a few things!

Life: A Beautiful Disaster (A O2L, Magcon fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz