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"She's my little girl Roselynn! She's my kid and she barely knows who I am!" After about an hour of talking Kian was now frustrated and yelling.

"Sam!" I threw my hands in the air.

"Kian, you need to chill. Sit down and shut up." Sam told him.

"No Sam! You don't get to tell me what to do right now!" Kian yelled back.

"KIAN SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP OR SO HELP ME I WILL HURT YOU!" Sam stood up and got in Kians face. Kian sat and glared at Sam.

"You can NOT take Skylynn away from the Griers." He tried telling him.

"That's where you're wrong. I CAN take her back. I can go to court." He pointed out.


"Sam, calm down." Aly whispered and pulled him down beside her by his wrist.

Sam took a deep breath, "Man, I support you in any and everything you do, but this, this I won't. This is so wrong man. By doing this you are taking Skylynn away from her family. She has lived with them for four years now and if you take her she is going to be so confused and probably even scared. Please don't do this man."

Kian didn't say anything.

"Please at least think about it. This could really ruin any friendship you have with Nash, even others." I begged him.

"You guys could tell the family and then maybe one day when Skylynn is older they will tell her." Aly suggested.

"I can't wait that long." Kian huffed and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

"He's going to go through with it, isn't he?" I asked.

"I'm afraid so." Sam shook his head in disbelief. "We should get some sleep. I'll see you guys bright and early in the morning." Sam said standing up and giving me a hug. He leaned over and kissed Aly, "Night baby." With that he was out the door and on the way to his room.

~~ A Month Later~~

"Yo Nash, can we talk?", I asked as I approached him.

"Um, yeah sure, what's up?" He asked as he followed me outside and sat down with me on the bench just outside the hotel.

"I need to tell you something and you can't freak, okay?"

He looked at me, "okay?"

"Skylynn, she was mine, mine and Kians." I told him, avoiding eye contact.

He dropped his face into his hands, "Oh my God, there's no way."

I looked back up, "the reason I'm telling you is because now that Kian knows he wants to take your family to court and try to get Skylynn back in how custody."

"WHAT?! Can he even do that?"

"It will take a lot of work and it's a long shot but if the dice roll his way it can happen. Sam and I are doing all we can to stop him but I just wanted you to have a heads up. Please don't tell anyone except your family and Cameron, I'm begging you. " I looked him in the eyes.

He shook his head in disbelief,

"Yeah, I won't tell anyone, just please don't let him take my little sister from me. She's my world."

"I'm working on it." I gave him a weak smile and a hug. "Let's go back in?" I suggested. We got up and Nash went to find Hayes while I ventured to my room to get a moment of silence. On my way there I caught sight of two guys kissing behind a tall plant by the elevators. My jaw dropped when I realized, one of them was Connor...

Life: A Beautiful Disaster (A O2L, Magcon fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz