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"What just happened? Wait. Don't answer that. I have to go, I'm late for my date." I hopped off the couch and grabbed my clothes. Kian grabbed my wrist, "Please don't leave. I really don't want to be alone."

"Kiannnn," I whined. "It's my date though."

Truth is, I didn't really want to go. Especially not now. I tossed Kian his shirt, "Put this on. Ryan could be back any minute now. I'll call Connor and cancel."

Kian threw his shirt over his head, "wait, you met Ryan? When?"

"While you were asleep. He's going to help me make a YouTube channel."

Kian stood up and hugged me from behind, "that's awesome."

I shrugged him off, "okay now let me call Connor." I sat back down on the couch and flipped out my phone.


"Hi Connie. I have to cancel tonight. Kian needs somebody here, he's taking his break up pretty bad."

"Thats fine, I was going to call you and cancel anyways, I'm sorry but I forgot I made plans with Tyler. Him and Ryan are on their way back now."

"Oh, okay. Well I'll see YA tomorrow?"

"Yeah see ya." Then the line went dead.

I turned to Kian, "Well turns out he was going to cancel on me."

"I'm sorry."

I sighed and leaned on him, "Honestly, it's fine. I'm not even that disappointed."

He looked at me, "How about that movie now?"

I grabbed the remote, "I'm already watching White Chicks."

Just as I unpaused the movie Ryan burst through the door, "Let's make your channel now!"

I paused my movie again and looked at Ryan, "Am I ever going to be able to finish my movie?"

"Okay fine, White Chicks first!" He yelled and plopped down on the bed. I, yet again, unpaused the movie.

Somewhere during the movie Kian shifted causing me to become very uncomfortable leaning up against him, so I stood up and went to the stack of food by the mini fridge.

Kian looked over to me, "what are you doing?"

"Obviously getting something to eat." I replied.

"Don't eat anything with Cameron's name on it. He doesn't share his food." Ryan informed me without Turning his attention away from the movie. "Oh hey, and toss me some chips would ya?" He added.

"I'll take some too." Kian informed. I tossed them both a bag of chips and I grabbed myself a roll of sweethearts before heading back to sit with Kian.

~~time jump about an 1hour~~

"Can I film this?" Ryan asked as he set up his camera.

I shrugged, "I mean I guess."

He was focused on his camera and tripod, "Cool, I don't have a video for this week if I don't. Okay now... It's filming. He took a few steps back and looked at the camera, "Hi, I'm Ryan and this is my average life." He paused for a short moment and then continued, "Today, well yesterday for you guys, I made a new friend, so say hi Roselynn! Oh, and Kians here!"

I awkwardly looked at the camera, "Hey guys, what's up?"

Kian looked at me, "You can't use that, that's mine. Well, kinda, I do an odd little salute thing with mine."

Ryan looked at him and scolded him in a mocking tone, "Bro, dude, she's a beginner, cut her a break."

Kian put his hands up in mock surrender,  sorry."

"So today Roselynn is going to make a Youtube channel and you get to watch because I had not a clue what I was going to do for this video." Ryan chuckled a bit at the end of that sentence then continued, "let's get started."

He pulled up youtube on his laptop and we hit the sign up button. After about two hours, itzRosie was created. No one calls me Rosie, but there's a first time for everything, right? Plus, Kian said it sounded better than everything else, which he was right.

"Okay guys, I'll edit that and get it posted tomorrow." Ryan said as he took down his tripod and camera.

"Awesome." Kian said then turned his attention to me, "When are you going to make your first video?"

"No clue, this week hopefully. Not tonight, I'm kind of stressed. I think I'm going to my room. I'll see you both at the meet and greet in the morning." I said giving Ryan a hug.

"I'll walk you to your room." Kian said getting up and ushering me out the door. Once outside Kian spoke, "We should talk about Skylynn."

"I was worried you'd say that. We should just leave it alone."

"Ro, no. we need to talk about it." He stopped me from walking.

I sighed, "Fine, once we get to my room. As long as Aly and Sam are there."

He looked at me confused, "I get Aly but why Sam?"

I shrugged, "Because I've learned sometimes you don't fully think things through and he seems to help you do that."

"That is SO not true." He laughed and grabbed my hand.

"It totally is and you know it to." I laughed too.

"Okay, okay, fine. Rosie." He smirked as he teased me.

"Thats going to take some getting used to." I looked at the ground as we arrived at my door.

Life: A Beautiful Disaster (A O2L, Magcon fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz