Doctors' Visit

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Conner and I sat in the room waiting for the doctor to come back with the X-ray results. We've been here 2 and a half hours. I'm so ready to leave. It was uncomfortably quiet. "You don't have to stay ya know." I broke the silence.
"Um, yes... Yes I do, we came in my car so you'd have no way to get home." He chuckled.
"I can call Aly." I replied.
"No, I'll stay, I've been wanting to get to know you anyways." He smiled.
"Oh yeah, sitting in the doctors' office is a GREAT way to get to know someone." I teased.
"We'll see." We sat there teasing each other and asking questions, until Connors phone went off. He checked the screen and asked if he could answer. I just nodded. He left the room and I sat alone, just thinking. Thinking of all the endless possibilities.

Connors P.O.V

"Hey umm, do you mind if I take this?" I asked as my phone rang. I stepped outside and answered. "What's up JC?"
"Where are you?! You're supposed to do a collab with Sam and I. Sam's here, but he has some girl with him. Where are you?" He seemed a little frustrated.
"I'm sorry, I completely forgot! I'll be there as soon as I can. I'm at the doctor with Roselynn right now."
"Who's Roselynn?"
"Never mind, I'll explain later. Gotta go, bye." With that I hung up.
"Hey, who was thaaaattt?" Roselynn asked as soon as I stepped in the door.
"My friend JC. I'm supposed to be making a video with him and Sam, I'm late." He's not too happy.
"Connor! I told you, you can leave!" She kind of yelled at me.
"And I said I wasn't!!" I yelled back. The doctor walked in holding up the X-rays.
"Hate to interrupt your argument, but Miss Archer, your arm is broken in two different places and your wrist is fractured. I hate to tell you, but no lacrosse this season, possibly, depending on how quickly it heals and how well therapy goes, you may not be able to participate next season either. My apologies. The nurse will be in shortly to cast you up, then you are free to go. That was quite a fall you had." The doctor said as he shook both our hands and left the room. I turned my attention back to Roselynn, her smiled faded and her eyes were starting to water. I wish there was something I could do.

Sorry this was so short, and so late. (I'm failing you guys :( )
I haven't caught a break, I just keep getting sick again and again, and I also have had a bad case of writers block lately. I'm going to try to get better at updating for you guys!!! I'm so sorry.
'Fight through the dark and stay lovely'

Life: A Beautiful Disaster (A O2L, Magcon fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz