Skylynn Elizabeth

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Kian P.O.V.
"Roselynn, I can't help unless you tell me what happened." I heard Sam tell her.

"Sam, I can't. I wish I could, but I can't." She sobbed.

"Sam, come here a minute." I said.

"Hang on one second Ro." I heard him say to Roselynn as he stood up and walked over to me. "what?"
"Let me talk to her..."

"Why, so you can yell at her again? What happened between you too?" Sam asked.

"It's along story and not one I have the right to tell. Trust me, I think we both regret it. Please let me talk to her." I begged. I feel like crap. I have to apologize.

"Fine." Sam sighed. "Just be you man, that in the house , that wasn't you. Don't be a jerk."

I nodded and made my way towards Ro. I opened the drivers seat door and sat in the seat. "Roselynn, I'm sorry. That was unnecessary. It was four years ago and I shouldn't have brought it back up. I wasn't mad at you I'm mad at myself. I said things I shouldn't have when you came to me and I've regreted them ever since. It took me two years to start to forgive myself for not being there for that kid and you. Then, then you showed up and all the regret caem back and I lost it. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I felt my eyes starting to tear up. I sat waiting for a response.

"I honestly don't care." she said somewhat bitter and not even turning my way.

"Roselynn." I sighed. "PLease talk to me."
"You want me to talk to you? Okay, okay fine."  She turned around and faced me.
"Yeah, you shouldn't have, but you did. Also, yes, telling me to get an abortion, that was out of line. Kian, I don't want relive any of it. It took you two years to forgive yourself? It's year four and I still have her birthday marked on my calender every year. I sit and watch Nick Jr. in the mornings before work somedays because if I still had her that's what I'd be doing. I should apoligize too becasue what I said in the house wasn't right. It wasn't all your fault, but Kian, Kian I just can't. I can not apoligize for saying that becasue I'm still grieving and I need to blame someone." She turned to me crying now more than she was before.

"I'm so sorry you feel that way. You don't have to apologize. Its alright." I reassured her. I pulled her closer and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. She laid her head on my shoulder. "I know right now probably isn't the best time to ask but, but our baby was a girl, and and you put her up for adoption?"

"Yes, she is a girl, she was a beautiful baby girl with lovely blonde hair and bright blue eyes." She smiled a little. " I gave her up because I couldn't do it myself and I don't have any family. I was putin foster care 2 weeks after what happened between us because my parents didn't want me in their house. I have an older brother, but he lives far. So, the only person I have is Aly and I wasn't going to ask her to be a mom with me. Adoption was what I thought was the best for her."

" Considering everything, you made the right choice." I was going to be there for her now. I need to be. "Basically you just told me she doesn't represent me in anyway." I smiled a little.

"No, she had your charming smile. The one that makes everyone around you melt. I also believe she is going to have your humor." Roselynn laughed.

"Oh, so you think my smiles charming?" I teased.

"Little bit, but from what I know that's the only thing charming about you."

"Ow, that hurt." I laughed.

"Can we go in now?" She asked siting back up looking at me.

""Yeah, but what are we going to tell the guys.. well, and the two girls." I asked her.

"Lets wait. I'll think of something. Give me 5minutes."

"okay. 5minutes. By the way, I trust the guys. They won't judge you. If anything, they'll be upset with me for a few days, but I can get through it. So, if you jsut want to tell them and then not have to worry about anymore, you can. It will be Okay." I told her.

"Okay, I'll think about it." She said laying her head back down. "Skylynn Elizabeth."

"What?" I questioned.

"Her name Kian! They told me what they named her. Her name is Skylynn Elizabeth." She wrapped her arms around me and fell asleep.

"Skylynn, that's cute" I mummbled to myself. I took Roselynns phone and took a bunch of selfies of me, some including her. I decided shortly after to wake her, so we could go in becasue I started getting text from the guys.

"Roselynn, wake up. We have to go in now."

"Ro, call me Ro like everyone else. I think we need to tell them." She said.

"Okay, are you sure you are ready for that?" I asked.

"No, but I don't think I ever will be either." She replied looking a little uncomfortable. I gave her a reassuring hug. We got out of the car and went to the door.

Life: A Beautiful Disaster (A O2L, Magcon fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz