How Old are You?

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Crawford P.O.V.
"The beautiful San Diego! One of my favorite places." I shouted once we made it trough the doors of the airport.
"Wow, it's lovely." Roselynn was breath-taken.
"You haven't seen anything yet." I smiled turning towards her. I felt my smiled fade when I saw her fingers intertwined with Connors. "We should head to the hotel." I suggested. "It's like two blocks that way. We can walk." I informed. We began our trek to the hotel and sung, dance and just all around acted like the crazy bunch we know we are. We were stopped a few times by fans, but it's always a joy to take pictures with them. A lot of them kept asking who the "other girls" were. The other girls as in Ro, Aly, and her 2 sisters. We all shrugged it off and just informed them that they were friends. Well, all except Sam, he didn't like them, by them he meant Aly, being referred to as the other girls. We were now close enough we could see the hotel.
"Thank God!" I heard Ro yell. "I'm so tired of walking."
"Here, I'll carry your bag." I offered running back there to get it .
"No, I got it." She rejected.
"Too bad. Now I do." I smirked and ran back up there with Chris.
"Dude, really?"
"Chris, I'm just trying to be nice." I gave him a cheesy smile.
"No, you have a crush." He pointed out.
"Woah, we have a genius over here. " I teased.
"You just met her, like, today."
"Yeah, and I like ummm kissed her today, also." I mummbled.
"You did what!?" Chris yelled.
"Shhh, and I don't know. It just happened."
"Lord, Crawford! You, oh my God. Really?" Chris obviously wasn't sure what to say.
"I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry? Dude, really?" Chris laughed.
"I'm just going to pretend it never happened." I said walking up to the hotel door.
"Oh yeah, good luck with that." Chris smirked as he walked in. Me holding open the door for him of course.

Roselynns POV:
"I'll check us innnn" Jenn sang-song as she skipped to the desk. Why? I do not know. We all stood in the lobby, us newbies marveling at the chandeliers,yes plural, which were hanging from the extremely high ceilings.
"I Gottem" Jenn said as she passed out roomate list and key cards.
"Who are you with?" Connor asked.
"Ummm, Andrea, Lia, and someone named Kasey Mendes."
"Oh, she's nice. You'll like her, she kinda reminds me a lot of you." He smiled. Great, I thought. "Well, I'm going to my room and I'll see you later. Were still on for tomorrow,right?" He asked as he kissed my cheek.
"Of course." I smiled as he headed towards the elevator.
"Yo Collins!" I yelled across the lobby.
"Yup?" Both Chris and Crawford turned around.
"No no, the little one, sorry." I laughed. " Race ya too the elevator." I challenged.
" you're on!" Crawford smirked then took off running.
"Yeah, sure I'll get your bags!" we heard Chris sarcastically yell from the distance.
"I win!" Crawford teased as he hit the up button on the elevator.
"You cheated!" I stuck my tongue out at him.
"Did not!" He argued.
"Did too!"
"Did not!"
"Yo, how old are you two again?" Andrea asked as she hauled all her bags up, followed by the rest of the group. The elevator opened.
"Hurry, get in before they follow us!" I jumped in the elevator pulling Crawford with me.
"Close, close, close, close, close!" We chanted as we kept quickly pressing the close door button, ignoring the panicking of our friends begging us to hold the doors. As soon as they closed we busted up with uncontrollable laughter.

Life: A Beautiful Disaster (A O2L, Magcon fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz