Waiting on Superman

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Roselynn P.O.V.
"Ro is riding with me!" andrea yelled as she grabbed my arm and drug me towards her SUV.
"GOOD! I wanted Ali to ride with me anyways!" Jenn shouted back running to her truck. ""We're going to beat you there!" She yelled out the window sticking out her tounge.
"Not even in your dreams McAllister!" Andrea yelled back as she ripped out of the drive way. The first few minutes of the ride Andrea was speeding. About 5 minutes into the trip we lost Jenn and Ali. It was a quiet first few minutes until I decieded o break the silence.
"I'm not going to be much help today, sorry." I apologized lifting my casted arm up as much as I could. She laughed.
"I know. Thats alright though, you can still hang out and keep us company. Jenn and I need to get to know you and Ali anyways." She smiled. "OH! When we get to my place remind me to give you and Ali your gifts."
"Gifts?" I questioned.
"Remeber yester day when I went shopping? I bought everyone something. I even told y'all that but you were all too distracted to listen." She sassed back.
"Oh yeah! I remember." I laughed. "Can I plug my phone in?" I asked.
"Sure go ahead."
I played Waiting on Superman by Daughtry. It was my favorite song at the moment. There was just something about I loved. Andrea didn't say anything until the song was over. Once it was she started a conversation I wouldn't have expected.
"Why are listening to this and being mopy?" She questioned me.
"Im not being mopy." I denied.
"Yes, you are. You need to cut it out. you've found your superman."
"What? No I haven't." At least, I don't think I have.
"Girl, yes you have. Connor, duh!" She replied.
"Maybe, but I don't know if..." Andrea cut me off.
"You smile everytime you see him, you're smiling now because you're thinking of him. You laugh at all his jokes even if they aren't funny. Which is often." She rolled her eyes. "So don't even try that with me. You like him. You more than like him, you LOVE him." She finished.
"Okay, yes I do like him, but he hasn't done anything to make me think he likes me besides the day at the mall." I sighed.
"Connor is shy when it comes to love. Just give it a few days. Trust me, you two are so cute together." She reassured me. "I can't wait to come up with a ship name for you guys!"She squealed. I laughed. The rest of the car ride we sung along to multipule songs. Part of me hopes she's right. I think I'm slowly falling in love.

Life: A Beautiful Disaster (A O2L, Magcon fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz