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"Kian, I think I lied to Aly. I've never done that before. Also, I need to tell you something." I slightly hesitated as I opened the big glass door leading into Saks and Fifth Avenue. "I think Skylynn Grier is our Skylynn."
Kian looked at me as he walked through the door, "There's no way."
We walked towards the back of the store and I examined the shoes, "Kian, it's her. I'm positive."
"She does look just like you." He considered as I tried on a pair of black Leah Lace Up Cage Peep Toe Boots. "Ewww, no" he shook his head.
I nodded, "agreed." Then got down another box.
I removed the boots from my feetand tried on a pair of bright pink So Kate Bicolor Fluorescent Leather Pumps, "These? I hate pink but these... They are so cute."
"Do all girls get this excited over shoes?" He questioned with a small grin.
I put on the other one and replied casually, "yes."
Kian sat down on the bench I just stood up from, "they go great with your lime green cast." He laughed.
"Shut up." I nudged him.
"Your dress is black right? If so, I'd get those."
"Yup." I said popping the p. "It's a Strappy-Back Pleated Dress from Forever 21."
"How do you know that?"
I turned to him, "Aly has been my best and only friend for most of my life. 15 years of Aly and you know the difference between a platform Sandal and a pump."
Kian stood up, "Ah, got it. You picked out a pair of shoes really fast. Let's go get you a clutch so we can get out of here."
"Yeah I don't like shoe shopping so I make it quick as possible and PLEASE? This store is way to fancy for me." I laughed and locked elbows with him.
We got lots of stares and strange looks as we skipped through the store singing 'Follow the Yellow Brick Road'. We quickly found ourselves in the purse department.
"So do you really think so." Kian asked not naming anything particular but I knew he was back to Skylynn.
"Kian, I know. Don't ask me how, I just do. Let's not worry about it. Now help me find a purse."
"Okay, okay. I'll let it go, for now, but if that's my kid and I've known her the last two years of my life and didn't even know it was her- man I don't-"
I interrupted him, "Kian, stop. Stop talking right Now. You wouldn't have known. You didn't know anything about her until recently." I kissed his check and he gave me a quick hug.
"Yeah you're right. It's just frustrating."
"I'm pretty sure Skylynn is not what you are frustrated about."
He looked down avoiding eye contact and then spoke after a short few minutes of silence, "Why did she leave me? Am I really that awful? I thought she loved me." He looked back up at me with his eyes watering.
I held him in a hug, "I don't know why, but I can assure you it wasn't because you are awful. Kian, you are amazing and she did love you. She does love you. There are just different types of love and some of us take longer to figure out which love we have for a person. And sometimes the love changes, feelings change man. It wasn't your fault. You didn't do anything wrong, if you did she would have told me." I felt him nod as if he was understanding.
I pulled away, "How about we go back to the Hotel and watch a movie?" He nodded and we left. He moped the whole taxi ride back. Once we got there he fell on the couch and let himself cry. I sat next to him and rubbed his back.
"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." He cried into my shoulder.
"For what?"
He continued to cry, "for taking advantage of you, for being a jerk to you, for being such a bad influence on All my fans, for losing Andrea, for sitting here crying like a baby over a girl, I'm sorry for everything I've ever done."
I sighed not knowing how to comfort him, "Shhh, just calm down. Take a deep breath it will all be okay. I promise."
"But I don't deserve the life I have! I've treated so many people badly."
"Kian, shut up! You do deserve this life. You deserve all the fans, you deserve your family, you deserve O2L. You deserve everything you have. Don't ever say that again."
I cut him off, "don't make me tell you again... Shut up."
He gave in, "okay."
"Now turn around and lay down. No movie. You just need to sleep awhile. Sleep always helps." I ordered him.
He looked at me as he laid down, "Just don't leave me, I don't want to be alone."
I nodded as an okay. He laid his head in my lap and I ran my fingers through his hair continuously. He was out within a few seconds of closing his eyes. I rested my hand on his shoulder and I used the other to text Aly. I asked her to go to Saks and Fifth Avenue and get those shoes and pick me out a clutch. As my bestie she obviously said yes.

Life: A Beautiful Disaster (A O2L, Magcon fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz