Moving Day!

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Ricky P.O.V.
"Should we wake them?" I asked.
"Nah, let'em sleep." Ali gleamed.
"It's 8, don't you and her have school today?" Sam looked at Ali.
"Yeah, but I doubt she would go today anyways."
"Why not?" Sam asked concerned.
"She broke her arm, but you knew that. What you don't know is that that means no Lacrosse, she has been playing Lacrosse since she was 5. More or less." Ali laughed at the thought. "She's pretty devastated, even though she doesn't show it. She wouldn't have gone. Just let them sleep. Besides, they are cute together." She smiled.
"They are aren't they." Sam replied smilling, looking a little distant. It was quiet for a few minutes, then of course, I, the fabulous Ricky DIllion, broke the silence. Quietly though.
"This is a photo opt guys!" I laughed as I snapped a picture of Connor and Ro. "Ahhhh, this is Twitter worthy." I showed Sam and Ali the picture. They awed followed by a fit of laughter."Selfie time!" I announced while sitting down next to the sleeping couple. Sam and Ali ran behind the couch and leaned foward.
"Did somebody say selfie!'?" Andrea yelled as she jumped up and ran across the room, dragging a sleeping Kian with her. We took the picture and ended up taking around 20 more, just random selfies, which included the sleeping Ro and Connor.
"Well, I'm going to go make breakfest." I annouced as I went upstairs. To my surprise JC was already awake making pancakes, eggs, bacon, and breakfest burritos.
"Hey man!" JC greeted as he flipped the pancake. "Did you sleep well? Today's move in day. I'm excited!" JC added.
"Gurl you know it!" I responded. "How much longer until its ready?" I asked.
"About five minutes." He answered. "Did the 3 girls stay over? If so you may want to go get them, so they can eat first or else there wont be food left." JC left.
"Okay, will do." I smiled just as my phone ringed. I walked into the hallway to take it.

Kians POV
It is now 8:45 and Ro has finaly woken up! Connor on the other hand, still asleep. That kid could sleep all day. Okay, Okay, I know 8:45 is actually early but today is move in day! I for one am super excited. Anyways, Connor is such a heavy sleeper. Andrea, Ro, Ali, Sam and I blarred The Ready Set and decided to have a dance party. Yet, somehow Connor was still asleep.
Next on my Ready Set playlist was Give Me Your Hand. 5 seconds into the song Ali squealed and grabbed Sams hand. "THIS IS MY FAVORITE SONG EVER!!! Dance with me?" She asked him. Sam blushed and agreed. Awwww, my little Sammy's in love. After that was over with I stopped the playlist from continuing.
"Guys! We should do a lip dub. Any song, y'all pick." I suggested.
"Are you going to put it on your channel?" Ro asked.
"Ya gurl!" I responded.
"No thanks!" She yelled back,
"Please Ro! It'll be fun." I begged.
"No." She crossed her arms. After several minutes of everyone coaxing her, she finally agreed.
"Not without me you don't!" Jenn announced as she came through the basement door.
"JENN! Sam and I yelled as Andrea ran up and gave her a hug.
"Hey guys!" She replied. "Whos this?" She looked at Ro and Ali.
"Well, this is cute mall girl, Ro and Sammys crush also known as cute mall girls friend or Ali." I replied smirking at Sam.
"No, and don't call me that." Sam became defensive.
"Awww, dont up set Sammy, Kian." Ali teased as she ruffled Sams hair. Sam looked down at the ground, trying hard to advoid eye contact with anyone.
"I have heard soooo much about you two, glad I finally get to put faces to names!" Jenn smiled as she hugged the two girls. "Watch out for Andrea, she can be a little mean sometimes." Jenn whispered, but loud enough for Andrea to hear.
"Yeah, and you should watch out for Jenn, shes a liar." Andrea shot back. everyone started laughing.
"So, where are the rest of the guys?" Jenn asked.
"Ricardo, Trevor, and Jc are all upstairs somewhere, and Kian said Ricky went to make breakfest." Ro told her. "Oh! and Connie is asleep right behind you." She laughed looking at Connor.
"Seriously! I have a sharpie in my purse, hang on." Jenn jumped in excitement, digging threw her purse. Once the Sharpie was found she immediately started drawing on Connors face. We stood, watching, trying to to laugh. When seh finished she stood up and took a bow.
"lovely job, Picaso." I said as I laughed at Connors face, now known as a mess. It looked like a two year did it, well it was Jenn, basically the same thing. I see no difference. All of the sudden Ricky and JC came bounding in and flipped over the back of the couch yelling and they landed on Connor waking him up. "Guys! We-- what happened to your face?" JC stopped mid seentence to ask the now awoken Connor.
"What do you mean?" Connor asked confused. The rest of us tried to surpress a giggle.
"nevermind that JC!" Ricky said.
"WE WERE INVITED TO MAGCON!!!! " Both JC and Ricky yelled at the same time.
"What, no way? This is a joke right?" I suspected.
"No lie, I just got off the phone with them, look. " Ricky held up hsi phone showing us the proof.
"I would love to be happy for you right now, but what exactly is MAGCON?" Ro asked.
"MAGCON is a meet and greet tour, where the guys get to go and meet all there fans." Andrea informed her.
"Fans? So you guys are like celebrities?"
"No, moer like internet stars. Youtube, ya know? Their collab channel, O2L is really big."
"oh okay, gotchya, thats awesome!" Ro smiled. "When ddo you guys leave?" She continued.
"They ssaid next week. The day Riccardo is suppossed to leave." Ricky answered.
"So, guys. I think we're going to MAGCON." Riccardo casualy said with a huge grin across his face with Trevor behind him.
"WE KNOW!" We all yelled as we laughed at him.
"Guys, this means i get to spend an extra week with you all!" Riccardo said running over and falling onto the overcrowed couch.
"Well, we should get you all moved in and then we will go celebrate." Jenn said.
"but first, Connor you shoudl go wash your face." Andrea giggled. We all busted up laughing.
"wait, Jenn, when did you get here and howd you get in?" JC questioned.
"I've been here all mornign and Ricky gave me a key. Are we done here? Lets move out! Or should I say move in. Get it? huh... huh?" Jenn joked raising her eyebrows up and down.
"Jenn no, never again, never. Promise me." I shook my head shamefully.

Those that did not live here went back home to get ready for the day while the other 3 of us hung out with Jenn, eating our breakfest JC made, that the rest forgot about.

Life: A Beautiful Disaster (A O2L, Magcon fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz