Soul Fire

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Bold = Piglin speech


Philza woke up. Sitting up from bed he stretched his wings to their full wingspan. Yes he had wings, get over it. He wasn't as focused on being productive since his five year streak had ended. Which made him famous, not that Phil was ever looking for Fame anyway. Since then his life was less grinding and more farming and being peaceful... Until that got boring. It was also getting very lonely. Not that he would admit that.

Phil got up and made himself breakfast, trying to distract himself from his itch to go out and adventure, and possibly get himself killed... Almost. But Phil didn't want to die another painful death. Just cause he can respawn doesn't mean it's painless or fun.


Piglins didn't have too fancy of a government system. It was king, royal family, and the people.

Everyone learned to fight, everyone learned to write. It was simple. And great. Until a wrench was thrown into the system.

An oracle. A spirit who could guarantee any happening, no matter how big, or small. If the Oracle was given an offering then it would supply with a prophecy. Usually the Oracle would answer your question but not always. Sometimes it would tell you something completely different from what you wanted to know about. But that didn't mean it wasn't important, sometimes it would tell you something that has everything to do with your question. Even if you didn't realize it.

One king and queen wondered about their unborn child, they wanted confirmation that he would be wise and proud.

But the Oracle said something different.

"The prince with the eyes red as blood will destroy the kingdom."

As a king and queen that's not really what you want to hear when you're about to have a kid.

But when he was born he had the grey eyes of every other Piglin. And the prophecy was written down on a scroll for future kings, in case it was to do with them.

It only took a generation when the prophecy started to come into effect.

That son was proud alright. Maybe too much. He was proud of his kingdom. His bastion. So when his wife bore a child with eyes as red as blood. He had half a mind to kill the kid. Short and simple. But his wife couldn't handle seeing her son be killed in such a grusome manner, so the kid got to stay, at least till he could hold a sword.

No one wanted King Technoblade, former "Prince with eyes red as blood."

As soon as he could swing a sword, literally. He was cast out. Sent away, he swore vengeance on the kingdom who had too much hubris for their own bastion then a four year old who just wanted a good life. And he made sure they knew he was coming back. They just didn't believe it.

In their attempts to foil the prophecy, they set it up to happen. How poetic.

That was Techno's long term goal, to give the kingdom the karma they deserved. Short term? Not die. He was only going to seek revenge if he could last that long.

Techno wandered about the nether for a few years, learning to use his sword to protect himself.


Phil needed more gold. Gold was easiest to find in the nether, so that's where he went. Philza hadn't lost his adventuring touch too bad, it was just the nether.

Ok, so he didn't bring enough potions.

And maybe he forgot a golden helmet.

And maybe, he forgot to bring a normal pickaxe instead of silk touch so he didn't have to smelt.

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