idk what to call this.

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Wilbur was struggling to get used to Kristin.

It wasn't that he didn't like her, subconsciously he'd already decided she was his mum (not that he was fully aware of that) but the rest of him was still unsure.

One day, Wilbur woke up to go to school, and he walked into the living room and to the kitchen. Kristin was sitting at the table eating her own breakfast.

When he walked into the room she looked up.

"Oh! Good morning Wilbur!"

Wilbur froze in place.

What? Wh... What? She- she-

"You remembered my name?" His voice was barely above a whisper.

"Huh, of course Wilbur, I've been here for more than a week. There's no reason I shouldn't. I'm pretty good with names."

She says his name again.

That was a weird idea.

His mother knowing his name.

Back at his old home, his parents forgot his name quickly. First his mother, than his father.

His mother knows his name.

It was as if he deserved it. He managed to do something good. Because his mother knows his name. He succeeded. He did it.

He did it.

"Wilbur? Are you okay?"

Wilbur snapped back into reality.

"O-oh, yeah, I'm okay."

His voice cracked.

Tommy was figuring it out much faster. She was a Mum! And that's all there is to it.

Tommy was the first to use the phrase Mumza.

Kristin loved it, she had the biggest smile on her face. Even though when Tommy used it Techno slammed his book shut and stared at him before slowly opening it again.

Tubbo was starting to get the hang of it. Unfortunately, two parents meant that you'd be caught doing something bad more often, but it also means another person to talk to about school and ideas and Tubbo moments.

Techno didn't like Kristin. She was sort of like his own mother. His mom had begged and pleaded to his father every year, to "wait one more year" Techno didn't know what that meant at the time, but now he does.

His mother had saved his life over and over again.

So for that, he wasn't going to replace her like everyone else was doing with their own mothers.

No way.

Not in a million years, would he replace her.

They were acquaintances. Nothing more.


Yea, this is the whole chapter. I don't know. It's one of those tiny ones I do every so often.

I don't have much to say, I could've forced this to be longer but it felt wrong.

The next one will be more normal I promise!

Farewell Plerps!

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