Author's Note

886 70 47

Hi, yes, hello, greetings, it is I! 的 Author Plerp!

Sorry for my absence.

So funny story, (that actually isn't funny at all and probably shouldn't be introduced that way) I haven't updated in a while, that part you knew, What you didn't know was why.

I'm not going into detail, because frankly it isn't really my story to tell, but I am going to give you one word.


Soooooo, Y'know. (-_-;)

I want to say that I can update consistently again, and that everything is/going to be fine, but that just isn't the case. I don't feel like I'm in a place where I can update frequently or consistently, and I don't know if everything will be fine.

The best I can do is pray, and believe in the experience and knowledge of the medical staff.

I think it will be okay but I'm not going to bet my money on that.

So, I've just been writing dumb little one-shots for my own entertainment and so I don't get rusty, (I doubt any of them will see the light of day) I can't promise updates, but I can promise that I'm not going to drop this book. I love writing this. I love reading the comments on it, and I love seeing new people vote on my chapters.

I love that you are all so supportive and are enjoying something that I'm making.

As far as I'm concerned, this book is my beautiful (and kinda scuffed) magnum opus and I'm not going to leave it behind.

Geez this is getting long, 0-o

Again, sorry for my absence. I will try to update, but no promises on consistency or frequency with my chapters.

I Love all of you, both new and old fans, and I thank you for being here for me. <3



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