Not quite Annoying

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You're gonna wanna know the story of Eros and Psyche. ^^^

Also this is like fluffy wholesome angst, that's not angsty at all but I'd still call it hurt/comfort. So...

Technoblade avoided Steve as much as possible.

When you thought about it; it made sense.

Attachment to an animal is showing emotion and sentimental value in something.

And, well those things can be exploited as weaknesses.

Techno hates feeling weak. He hates feeling exploitable. He'll deny his own emotions to make sure he can't be exploited.

Tommy thought everyone had figured that out about Techno. But Phil and Kristin couldn't seem to figure out what the problem was.

Tommy wanted to shout at them for being ignorant.

The problem IS Techno! He's building walls and denying his own emotional health! Surely this was odvious!

But he didn't. He really wanted to be on Mumza's good side, and while that hadn't been hard so far.

Tommy didn't want a repeat of his birth father.

Wilbur seemed more aware. He seemed to know what was going on.

Tommy asked him why Techno was being so closed off. Wilbur just shrugged and said that he tried to help, but he's going to let Techno deal with it, so that he won't push him too far by accident.

Sure, let's just leave Techno on his sinking ship, yeah?

It seems, that from Tommy's goofiness and childish behavior thoughout the years, no one had realized that he had actually matured quite a bit. He understood people. REALLY understood people.

For all his teasing and idiotic ideas, he knows when the teasing becomes hurtful and to stop, he knows when to check up on his friends. He knows when people just need a helping hand,

And he knows when someone is shutting down.

Without help, Techno won't come back.

If this house wants the quick-witted, clever, levelheaded, sarcastic, trusting, version of The Blade, then they're going to have to work for it.

And Tommy is more than ready to work for it.

So, he worked it all out.

The right things to say, to do, how to approach, how to ease Techno into it.

So now, it was go time.


Tommy nearly choked.

Tommy stood at the door to Techno's room and nearly choked. But he steeled himself.

Techno needs you... You're not going to chicken out now are you? No! You're TOMMYINNIT! TOMMYINNIT DOESN'T BACK DOWN FROM A CHALLENGE.

Tommy knocked on the door.


He knocked again.

There was a groan and the door opened.

Techno stared down at Tommy, and a very sleepy Steve in his arms.

"May I come in Blade?"

The look on Techno's face said no, but eventually Techno swung the door open. And Tommy strolled in and sat on the bed. With Steve still in his arms.

Techno closed the door and laid down on the bed, before opening his book again.

"Wanna hold him?" Tommy asked.

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