Royal Flush

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This chapter is brought to you by the fact that I actually can play poker (Texas holdem) and enjoy it a lot. I don't gamble tho.


Phil said that he'd agree to playing poker with Schlatt provided that there wasn't any money on the table. Schlatt eventually agreed, and they went over to his house. Which was smart, because he quickly found that he wasn't good at it. If they were actually betting, Phil would be in trouble.

"Okay, so you have a pair of tens and a pair of eights. That's a two pair! Unfortunately for you," Schlatt smiled. "That doesn't beat my straight, especially since it has a queen in it, looks like you lose again goody-two-shoes!" Schlatt cackled and scooped up all the chips and pulled them into the rest of his chips.

"See! This is why I don't gamble!" Phil groaned.

"Dude, if you have a bad hand then just fold."

"Yeah but you'd still win."

"Sure, but then I'd have less winnings. You Don't just stay in the game if you have a two and a seven."

"Whatever," Phil scoffed.

Schlatt gathered all the cards and started to shuffle them.

"Y'know, you meet a lot of new people when you play poker."


"Recently I met this big shot newbie. He'd never played before, wasn't surprising, the kid looked like he'd just got out of high school. Still, he'd gotten pretty popular in the joints where more famous people congregate, and he didn't play half bad."

"Unlike me I'm assuming," Phil said. looking at his new cards. He felt pretty good about this round. He had an ace, and was hoping that he'd be able to actually use it.

"Well, yes but that isn't the point. The kid wanted to make a tournament, like Hypixel, and he'd give the winners a whole lot of money for winning."


Schlatt bet five chips. "The kicker is that he want's your name on it Minecraft."

Phil froze and stared at him. "What?"

Schlatt laughed. "Yeah, apparently one of your kids pissed him off hard and now he wants to name it Minecraft out of spite to mock the kid."

Phil snorted. "What the f***? Wait it was Tommy wasn't it?"

"Probably, I don't know any of your kids." Schlatt said. "Well, except the fluffy one." Schlatt's mood dropped at that. Phil decided to cut him sone slack. Just this once. Besides he was curious about this kid.

"So how does he plan on getting my name on there? I don't know if you've noticed but I'm a little famous."

"Honestly, I have no clue, but if I was him I would just ask you."

"I don't know if I want my name on a gambling event." Phil said.

"Eh, it's not really gambling, you only have to pay to enter the first time, after that the chance of winning the tournament doesn't cost anything." Schlatt shrugged. "And provided that the money doesn't go to his head, he might make the first one free just so it gets clout. That's what I would do if I were him."

Phil gave up that round, seeing as he didn't have any good cards, and folded. "What should I do then?"


"About him wanting my name on it, I mean," Phil said.

"Eh, I'd let him get away with it as long as people know it's your name he's using."

"Maybe, I'd have to talk to my family about it."

Schlatt rolled his eyes. "You're such a buzz kill."


"Holy crap really!?" Wilbur asked.

"Yup!" Phil said, "I'm assuming That Tommy was the one who ticked him off."

"Guilty as charged," Tommy said, walking into the room, and sitting on the couch. "I think that it was Keem. It sounds like something he'd do."

"Yeah, it was Tommy," Techno said walking into the living room after him. "It would be so cool to be in one of those tournaments though."

"Right!" Wilbur agreed. "It would be so cool, especially if we won it! Can you imagine what we could do with a jackpot like that?"

"Woah Wilbur, you don't even know how much that jackpot is," Phil said.

"But could we go to this thing?" Techno asked. "If this friend of yours knows about it then it's bound to have some funding right?"

"Yeah! And I want to play in that!" Wilbur agreed.

"It would be pretty fun wouldn't it?" Techno said.

"I would be quite the hypocrite if I said no. After all, I am only going to let him use the name if I can get into the event for free, and that is if it's what it sounds like," Phil said. "I'm not putting any money into something that could flop."

"Knowing Keemstar, it won't be a flop," Tommy said.


hallo! It is I! The Author Plerp!

First things first, I want to thank all of you with your patience and nice comments, those meant so much to me.

I'm hoping that after this I'll be able to get into a groove with writing, but I'm not promising anything.

Sorry for the shortness of this chapter, but this is the length that feels good for me. Considering where I want to go with this.

Farewell Plerps!!!

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