Wilbur soot

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Phil was suprised at how unprepared he was when it came to Wilbur. He was unpredictable, and would often get into trouble. He had to get him a wooden sword like Techno's because he was worried he might hurt him. Which only seemed to feed his ego. Wilbur hated heights. I mean, that was odvious but apparently Techno didn't get it. So Phil had to explain that he was afraid of heights.

"But 'our not gonna drop 'im."

Phil then had to explain phobias to him. Techno enjoyed learning all the fancy words for being afraid of things.

Technoblade was talking more, and the more he talked the better he could pronounce things. It was incredible how fast Techno learned new words.

What was incredible in a different way was Wilbur's inability to settle down. Phil was constantly trying to stop him from stealing things or getting into fights. (Which was apparently how him and Techno became friends. Which was baffling to Phil.) Phil figured that if Wilbur got a hobby, he might settle down. So he tried reaching him to farm. He figured it would be useful for Techno to learn as well. That part worked out. Techno seemed interested, and looked like he was actually enjoying himself when he was planting potatoes. Wilbur on the other hand. Kept asking if they were done. And as soon as he tried it, it was apparent that he did not care for it. He actually ditched them near the end. And Phil had to go find him. (He was in the woods.)

The only reason Phil had said he was allowed to stay, was because he was Techno's only sparring partner, and he said he was going to skip town. But the more time he spent with Wilbur, the more attached he got. The kid was genuinely funny, a goofball and a joy to have around. And Phil already couldn't picture life without him. Which was surprising, since Phil had told him that if he wanted to go he could. But when he was with them he would obey the rules. Wilbur hated the rules, he wanted to go out and be a "dirty crime boy" and didn't like taking a bath or curfew. It seemed like It'd be a no brainer. But Wilbur stuck around. According to Techno, he's almost left twice. (Both of which was after a fight between him and Phil about the rules.) But Techno wanted him to stay, and those two were inseparable. So if Techno wanted him to stay for a little bit longer, then he would. It was touching.

Phil wished he had that kind of bond with the people he knew when he was a kid.

Phil was also trying to see what Techno could eat. Surprisingly it wasn't that hard. Techno's instincts would scream no at some foods, and stay silent to his ones. (According to Techno) So all he had to do, was see if Techno would turn it down.

Philza was walking past Wilbur's door, writing down what Techno had eaten that day, when he heard a small voice. It sounded like it was singing. Phil stopped, and listened. It was definitely Wilbur. He had a really good voice. And it hit Phil. Wilbur liked music. He would probably enjoy playing piano or guitar. Phil had new found determination for helping Wilbur. And he walked past the door.


Phil told Techno his plans, and Techno said that he's heard Will used to play guitar. Techno didn't know what it was, but he did say it had something to do with A's and sharp A's. That was definitely music.

So Phil went out to buy a guitar. He found a smaller one. And it was nice. Phil cringed at the price but he knew it would be worth it.

He got back to hear them bickering in Techno's room. Phil had gotten him little army soldiers and now they were trying to beat each other in war. Unfortunately for Will, Techno was good. And even had started to read a book about war strategies. He was destroying Wilbur. And he was mad.

"Wilbur! Can you come here really quick?"

"No! I need to kill Techno's guard!"



Wilbur walked into the living room to see Phil with a hand behind his back.

"So, I heard you like music..."

"I... Yeah?"

"So I got you something."

Phil revealed the guitar from behind his back.

Wibur's eyes went wide.

"How did you-"

Phil handed the guitar to him.

He strummed a cord. Then each note. Adjusting the knobs accordingly. He looked up at Phil.

"Thanks dad." Wilbur froze after the words left his mouth.

Phil laughed and said, "You can see me like that if you want. I like it." Will smiled.

"Seriously though, you didn't have to get me this. It must have been expensive."

"Come on, don't worry about that, price doesn't really matter." Phil rubbed Will's head, messing up his hair. Wilbur ran off to show Techno.


Wilbur finally felt like he was appreciated at home. Which is all he'd ever wanted.

That, and a guitar.

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