Philza's Great Adventure

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I'm not sure how this chapter will turn out, but if you're reading this than it worked out!

Phil gets lonely. And he didn't exactly realize how lonely he would get. His soul was not meant to be alone.

Phil first went to the palace for the instructions. It was late when he got there it was already very late so he slept in one of the guest bedrooms and went to The King the next morning. The King struck him as someone who wouldn't give up his gold for anything.

"Alright, the kidnapper sent a letter, explaining that the princess is being held for ransom. We've tracked them down and now we need someone to go in there and get her out safely. If you can do this you'll be greatly rewarded."

Ah okay. He saw the price for the ransom and decided it would be a lot easier to grab some adventurer and pay them much less. It wasn't like Phil was in it for the money anyway.

"You need someone dumb enough to fight this guy? Alright. I'll do it." He wasn't one to treat the King with more respect than anyone else. The King wasn't a fan of this but didn't say anything.

Phil soon went off his merry way, away from the King of Reese.

The place Philza was looking for looked awfully like an old house in a small abandoned town. It doesn't look totally unlike the house from his childhood.

When he walked into the house the floorboards creaked loudly, announcing his presence.

"Hello! Who's there!?" It wasn't too deep, not to gruff, it was similar to Phil's, yet the sound lacked compassion and empathy.

"Uh, hi?"

"You better not be here for the princess." The voice growled.

Yup, this was the place.

"You can't just kidnap someone!" Phil continued to walk through the house, where the voice was coming from.

"You can't tell me what to do! You're probably some weak guard or-"

Phil walked into the room the voice came from. It was what looked to be a living room, but without almost all furniture it was hard to tell. In the middle of the room was a chair, and a princess, about 11 years old. This is why he has taken the job. He was worried for the girl. Though, she was a little younger than he anticipated. His blood boiled when he thought of someone kidnapping his kids. They were about the same age.

He was completely unprepared for the next thing he saw. A man with angelic white feathers. Well, mostly, unlike Phil's, his wings were much more battered. His feathers still held the angel vibe however.


"Oh sh**."

Phil did not want to see this man ever again. It almost made sense that his brother of all people would be doing this.


"Hello, Khaz. How are you."

"Better before I knew it was you who was coming."

The princess had a gag on her mouth, but she'd probably be silent anyway, she wasn't the most talkative person and the idea that this man who was apparently coming to rescue her had ties to the awful man who kidnapped her, had her at a loss for words.

"That's nice. I don't actually care. What gave you the idea of kidnapping a little girl? If I may ask."

Khaz gave a low growl. "Money."

"Money, huh? You do realize that this is a little kid, and that kidnapping is wrong and all that right? What happened man?"

"Nothing you need to know, 'bro.' now drop the tough act." He said the word "bro" as if it made him angry Everytime anyone mentioned it.

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