Wild Raccoon Chase

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Sorry for the long wait, this chapter was finicky.

Sally was bored. She'd explored every inch of this area at this point and after all that she had explored none of it was as interesting as it was before.

So she was bored, and therefore, decided to bug Wil.

It wasn't hard to find him, not today anyway, He was often forced to babysit Tommy and Tommy was louder than a screeching enderman. If they were around she would hear about it. She would be pretty let down if he wasn't, to-

"Shut the f*** up Wilbur!" She heard someone shout.

Nevermind, everything was fine.

She made her way over to where the sound came from and jumped down from a tree in front of them. Which might've made Wil jump out of his skin. It was pretty funny.

"Don't do that! What on earth is wrong with you!"

Sally couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. "Nothing at all."

"So you say. What do you want anyway?" Wil asked.

"I'm bored."

"Me too!" Tommy interjected.

"Babyitting?" Sally questioned. Wil nodded.

"Tommy wanted to explore, but after last time, he isn't allowed to go alone."

"It's dumb," Tommy muttered. "It's as if Phil thinks I'm six."

"You certainly act like it," Sally said, causing Tommy to pout.

"Shut up, Wil's girlfriend."

Sally swore that her heart stopped for a second. Did it always do that?

"Tommy!" Wil snapped. "We're not dating!"

"We should though," Sally said, folding her arms.

"You're losing your class," Wilbur said.

"Yeah sure, pretty boy." Sally rolled her eyes.

"I- uh, touche."

"Wilbur likes you by the way," Tommy said. Sally grinned.

"Tommy! Shut up!" Wilbur snapped at his little brother, who looked far too smug for it to have been accidental.

"Well, you said you would let me go anywhere and so far all we've done is talk to your girlfriend! So I'll say whatever I want!" Tommy walked around Sally and kept going.

Wilbur groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Please, for the sake of my dignity, ignore him." He followed his brother.

"Uh, nah," Sally responded. She sifted her fingers through her hair. She started walking behind Tommy to keep up with him and Wil. "Besides, he's too loud to ignore."

"That's true," Wilbur said.

"OI! NO I'M NOT!" Tommy glared at the two of them. He was promptly ignored.

"Why are you here anyway?" Wilbur asked.

"Eh, I was bored. My cave is boring, you're not, it just makes sense."

"I don't have anything to entertain you with, other than this gremlin." Wilbur gestured to Tommy.

"I'm okay with that," Sally said. "I don't really care what we're doing as long as it's with you." She smiled.

"Oh, okay." Wilbur clearly didn't know how to respond to that. Instead he just looked back over to Tommy.

"Don't go in that cave Tommy I'm not in the mood to save you today." Tommy groaned and stepped away from the small cave opening.

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