Feeling Human

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This chapter was being finicky so I had to republish it. Sorry for the notif trolling you all.

"You're so bad!!!"

"How am I bad, I literally just beat you!?"

"This is stupid- I'm done."

Skeppy stood up and stormed off.

"This isn't even chess! It's easy fake rules that me and Wilbur made up when we were little."

Skeppy came back in the room just as angry as before.

Techno was having a good time at Skeppy's house.

"Listen idiot-"

"Idiot? The board says otherwise."

"Listen idiot! You 1v1 me right now. Then well see who's the best."

"That's a completely different set of skills."

"Too hard for you?"

"No it's just a poor way to figure it out. And I don't have any weapons. Are you even allowed to have weapons?"

"... Not without my mom here."

"Ha, loser. Okay how about Wilbur is the referee, he'll keep it fair and if anyone asks, we'll say he's responsible."

"Pfft- ok works for me."

"I'll go get Wilbur and some weapons."


Techno ran back to explain to Wilbur.

"What do you need me to do?"

"Be the referee, just so Skeppy's mom won't freak out. You're taller than me, if we pushed this to the limit we could pretend that you're like sixteen."

"Okay, and what do I get out of it?"

"I'll let you and Skeppy 2v1 me. Then we can spar like old times, without you dying instantly."

"You're so cocky."

"Am I wrong?"

"No... Ugh ok but just for the 2v1."

"Yes! Okay I'll grab some swords." Techno ran off to grab some wooden swords.

"And I'll tell Dadza."


"Finally you idots took forever!!!" Skeppy whined.

"What does that even mean?"

"It's a misspelling of idiot that he just went with." Techno said.

"You have the weirdest friend."

"How dare you!" Skeppy shouted.

"Wow, okay so are we going to do this or not?"

"Yeah, yeah. I brought wooden swords.

They all went out into Skeppy's backyard. It wasn't the best for fighting, thanks to the weeds and uneven ground, but it was good enough.

They both got into fighting stances.

Long story short... Er, short story shorter, Techno destroyed Skeppy. He wasn't using his old wooden sword that Phil got him a long time ago, it was battered and warn and Techno didn't want to break it. The swords they were using now we're also wooden, but brand new.

"And not even close."

"Okay Techno, this is getting sad on Skeppy's part. 2v1?" Wilbur piped up.

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