Me Gusta

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The titles are great. :)

It had been two years since the whole Dream battle, and since Phil went out of town. (Techno and Wilbur are 12) And while that was fun, Wilbur and Techno preferred Phil sticking around. And Phil seemed to prefer that as well. Dream hadn't stopped talking about Techno. His "rival". It was starting to get annoying, and Wilbur got to deal with all the questions of, "where is Techno? Does he go to another school? When can he come back? I've been training. I need a rematch." It was getting annoying, but Charlie found it funny.

Wilbur had gone to Charlie's house, (after getting permission from Dadza of course.) It was later than he was supposed to arrive home, and he was certainly going to be grounded or something for staying until the sun disappeared.

Yet, Wilbur had a good day. Even if now he was speed walking through the few crowds to get home in time. Which was already no longer possible. It was a good thing Wilbur was too tired to run, because otherwise he wouldn't have been able to hear the faint cries of a child.

At first he thought he'd miss heard whatever it was, but when he heard it again he knew that it was a kid.

He didn't really know what made him think to look for this kid, it wasn't like he needed to, but he felt like he should, so he did.

He stood there and listened for where it was coming from.

Ugh if Techno was here he'd be able to figure it out much faster.

There it was. It was coming from the front of that alleyway.

Wilbur walked over there and saw a small boy crying just inside the alley. He had a small blanket. He was sitting just around the corner. Wilbur slowed down so he didn't scare him.

"Hello?" He asked softly.

The kid jumped out of his skin and saw Wilbur looking at him.

The kid was about five years old, he had a small blanket around his shoulders. He had a white and red shirt, blond hair and bright blue eyes.

"Get away from me!"

"Hey, hey it's ok."

"No! Go away!"

The kid scooted away from him. Wilbur knelt down so he was less scary.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothin' go away!"

"Where are your parents?"

Tears filled the kid's eyes again.

"Mama said she would be back... But she isn't yet."

That pulled at Wilbur's heart strings like nothing else ever had.

"What's your name?"

He shook his head defiantly. Wilbur sighed and said,

"Can you please tell me your name?"


"I'm Wilbur."

"I don't care."

"Tommy do you have anywhere to go until your mother gets back?"


The kid was homeless. Wilbur had been seriously hoping that wasn't the case.

"Tommy, is there anything I can get you?" Wilbur doubted that he could take this kid anywhere. Not when he's so suspicious of Wilbur.

"You can go away."

"Anything other than that."

"... Can you make Mama come back?"

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