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"Who are you? And what are you doing with that human?"

Techno pulled his sword from his sheith. Still not looking behind him.

Tommy looked behind Techno's shoulder and saw a Piglin like Techno. But she didn't talk like Techno. She had deep growls and was taller than Techno. Her eyes lacked the sparky color that Techno's did. Tommy didn't like that.

"It's none of your business what I do with the humans."

"If you are trying to hurt him, you have another thing coming."

What a gross thing to do, kidnap a human squeaker.

Tommy heard them grunting, it wasn't as mean as the growls from earlier, and they were going back and forth, but Tommy didn't trust someone with grey eyes.

Techno turned around and made eye contact with her. She was taller than he was and she had a golden sword, it was dented in a thousand places and Techno wondered how she planned on fighting with it.

They made eye contact and her eyes widened.

"I know you..."

"Do you?"

"You were here a few years ago, YOU WERE THE GUY WHO SPOKE THE HUMAN TOUNGE!"

"Oh, yeah. That's true."

Excitement was clear in her voice and she lowered her weapon.

"I can't believe it! Okay, so after you left, I was fascinated by humans, they were clearly misunderstood if they had their own TOUNGE! So I went looking for all the information on them that I could find, and all I could find is that they give gold to us, and information about the overworld, Did you know that the overworld doesn't have a ceiling?! Well, you probably do since you can talk to humans, but that was exciting for me okay?"

"Wow, you really just became a huge fan girl didn't you?"

"I don't know what that means."

"Sorry, Human phrase. You're an apologist to humans."

"Yeah..." She said sheepishly.

Techno sheithed his sword.

"Blade, who is that?"

"This is someone I met a while ago, she's nice I promise."


"Your human squeaker is Soo cute! Where did you get him?"

"My brother brought him home."

"Your human friends?"

"Eh, they're more like family."

"What's his name?"


"Can I pet him?"

"Uh, no."

Techno held Tommy a little bit tighter.

"Aww. Well, could you teach me to say hi? I wanna say hi."

"Okay? The word is "Hello"."


"No. Here just tell me what you wanna say, and I'll tell him."

"Tell him that he's adorable."

Tommy had just been looking back and forth between them on confusion this whole time.

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